As I have been suggesting for sometime, SK doesn’t have the mental ability or agility to be a successful prosecutor. I have questioned her claims of prosecuting transnational drug cartels because there’s no way she could concentrate for the amount of time necessary.

Well it turns out that someone actually did the research and there is no evidence that she ever was the ‘first chair’ in any prosecution ever. She was a buffoon. (Sounds a lot like the McDonald story.)

In case you don’t know, first chair is the lead prosecutor responsible for trying the case. I can’t tell you how bad you would have to be to have never been the lead in 13 or more years supposedly trying cases. As I’ve mentioned before due to the fact that the division I was in didn’t try cases until after I got there, I was always first chair throughout my career and it blows my mind to think how bad she must have been to have never been the lead.


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