I was going to write something earlier today about the Special Counsel’s report but most everything I would have commented on was covered and if you followed anything you would have already heard, but now that Magoo has actually spoken, it behooves me to comment.

First let me comment on the special counsel report. It was as expected a supposed exoneration of Magoo’s actions with respect to classified documents. In reality, it was proof that Magoo willfully violated the law. He had classified documents from his time in the Senate. There is no way under any law and I’m well aware of the laws that a senator can take and keep classified documents in his home.. So those documents which he willfully retained actually and knowingly kept and in some cases wrote prove he’s guilty, and the most annoying thing about the special counsel report is that while he finds Magoo willfully violated the laws pertaining to classified documents, he says that now 20 or more years later that the fact that he is non compos mentis that he didn’t commit the crimes that he did. To me, this is the equivalent of saying that if I shot and killed someone 15 years ago, and now assuming the statute of limitations is longer than that, and in many jurisdictions there is none for murder., that I would be innocent of the killing.. Total BS! It certainly might results in a guilty finding but placement in a home for the senile rather than a jail.

Magoo said in his remarks that the special counsel cleared him all guilt. As I point out above, that’s just total nonsense. The special counsel found that he willfully retained classified material and as is always the case, Magoo was a liar. The special counsel did not exonerate him at all. He just gave him a pass as you would expect given the two tiered system of justice we have.

And something that really caught my attention during Magoo speech was when on national television talking about how great his memory is he could not remember the name of the school that his son Beau went to. He said that it was our lady of and then couldn’t remember. Having gone to Catholic school I can tell you that there are a lot of schools named our lady of mercy, our lady of of the immaculate conception, just our lady anything but he couldn’t remember while telling us how good his memory was. Personally. I attended our lady of S&M under the school sisters of the Marquis’s de Sade.

He also confused the head of Mexico with the head of Egypt. Not a real indication of his memory and mental acuity.

The Dems now have a clear opportunity to get Biden off the ticket using either a resignation or the 25th amendment, but they still have the problem of Kamala. They are going to have to figure out someway to get her out to let some other unqualified idiot in. Good luck with that.

One other thing, he said, that was total bullshit is that none of his documents were highly classified because they didn’t have that red thing on. Making them really secret. I can tell you from personal experience that every classified document has a cover on it even down to the confidential material, the lowest level of classification.