I was going to do a rant on Devon Archer tonight but for reasons I will explain tomorrow I decided to wait. So this quickie is about something Tarlov said on the Five which contradicted what I heard on the radio today.

In trying to bolster the left’s claim that the new Florida black history curriculum says slaves benefited from slavery, she took issue with the black black history professor who is descended from slaves about a slave who she said was actually a captain in the Northern Navy during the Civil War.

Now here’s what I heard on the radio today. He was a slave who learned to captain a boat while a slave and then snuck his family and friends onto a boat and sailed it into northern waters and surrendered to the North. The skills he learned were so valuable that he became the captain of a northern ship and fought against the south.

Seems like standard left practice of only telling a part of a story that fits their narrative.

So here’s the point. The black historian will be on Jesse tonight and will set the record straight.