I have been meaning to write this for a couple weeks, but being lazy I haven’t got around to it. You will recall that I previously postulated about why the Mueller team did a few things — namely a real AG was appointed. Since then Bill Barr gave an extensive interview to CBS in which he confirmed, although no one has really picked up on it, that he is responsible for Mueller backing off. He stated that the view of obstruction law set forth in the Mueller report is not the view of the DOJ. Therefore, if Mueller had tried to use their version to try for an indictment, Barr would have shot it down and part 2 would have been gutted. Mueller knew he couldn’t get his impeachment dossier out unless he refused to do his job and make a decision on obstruction because he would have been overruled by Barr.

Interestingly, Barr said he thought that the bogus obstruction standard laid out in the Mueller report was likely only the opinion of one or two people. No doubt he was referring to Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s pit bull. Weissmann is known for his sleazy tactics, including withholding exculpatory evidence, creating new unknown crimes and creatively making up obstruction law. Read Sidney Powell’s: License to Lie, and you will learn all you need to know about Weissmann. It is incredible to me that he hasn’t been disbarred, and more importantly, the fact that Mueller hired him tells you all you need to know about the objectivity of the “investigation”.

Now what I’d really like you to do is to imagine how different things would be if Trump had picked Barr instead of Sessions. None of the crap that went on for the past two and one half years would have gone on. And there is a good chance that the Republicans would still control the House. While being an outsider has much to recommend it, particularly if you have accomplished much in the real world, it unfortunately doesn’t prepare you to initially pick the right folks for your cabinet — Rex Tillerson being a great example of a lousy choice. Trump is a quick learner and hopefully he can go forward without backstabbing from within. It already cost him half his first term.