I was going to call it a correction but it just proves what I said yesterday. Today the Capitol police (aka the keystone cops) indicated that when they saw the cop lights at the Pelosi compound, they turned on the rest of the cameras and back up the video and saw a man in his undies take a hammer bust out the window according to people who have allegedly seen the video. Now we know that is total bs because all the broken glass was on the outside and according to the laws of physics that can’t happen if the window was struck from the outside. And here’s something that bears mentioning because as I previously mentioned the window that was broken was much farther from the door lock than just breaking the glass on the door, and one of you who is in a position to know, an architect said that glass in entry doors is required to be like the safety glass in your car. Upon impact it will splinter but because of the film in the middle it will not break.
So now as long as I’m free styling, let’s consider what this means. The person who broke the glass from the inside knew which glass to break. Does anyone think that the crazy guy in his skivvies had a clue about that, and I’m talking about the crazy guy in his skivvies not named Pelosi. But while I’m just making it up anyway, do any of you think that seriously drunk PP knew which window to break? Hell I didn’t know until last night and I doubt that even a sober PP would know. So who broke the window? Just asking.
Now here’s the plus part, although I didn’t realize that more than half of what appears above would be stream of consciousness. I saw either an article or interview today in Newsmax from Alan Dershowitz and I’m starting to have doubts about the man. Every time some big time pervert gets caught he seems to be involved. Think Epstein and the Lolita express. Today’s rant struck me as boarder line crazy. His whole screed was that the right was trying to besmirch poor PP when the facts are that the assailant was a Hitler loving right wing fanatic. Now I don’t know about you but I haven’t seen that anywhere so I don’t know where he got his information, and everything I’ve seen puts him clearly in left camp. So I just got to wonder what the relationship between PP and Dershowitz is?