There are massive fires and droughts in the west and flooding in the east and the left will blame both on global warming caused by Fossil fuels. Listen both can’t be true. They are mutually exclusive. Fossil fuels can’t cause both droughts and flooding. Just not possible! It’s just bullshit and I’m still waiting for one of these idiots to explain how the present levels of CO2 are the supposed reason for global warming and ten to fifteen times more CO2 existed during an ice age. Please give me the proven equation that proves both. They can’t because it’s total bullshit. And that goes for‘scientists’ on the right that say yes CO2is a greenhouse gas and not a major factor in global warming. Ask them that question. The greenhouse gas bs is just that. It’s an unproven theory because it can’t booth warm the planet and exist at ten times the present levels during an ice age!