First with respect to Stacey Abrams, as you will recall when the left was making like she was a runway model and I said only if that runway was at an airport. Today on the Clay and Buck show they referred to her as morbidly obese but used her maskless photo as cover by noting that while the kids were masked and she wasn’t that she was the much greater risk because her obesity is a comorbidity and so they got to call out her fat ass several times under the cover of science.

The other thing is the controversy over Rogan’s use of the n word years ago. And the thought I had and it was confirmed when Pirro on the Five talked about all the athletes and actors and musicians etc if you went back and checked everything they ever said these hypocrites would be just as guilty. But here’s my point, none of them brought up Biden. Is there anyone who doesn’t think that the guy who was great friends with KKK royalty and segregationists hasn’t said it a thousand times. I would love to hear a reporter ask Biden about it at his next press conference.

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