Ok you all know that Breyer is going to retire and I’m going to explain why that should give you hope. Clearly Biden will nominate someone at least as far left as Breyer. Biden said on the campaign trial that he would nominate a black woman. He has some options but I don’t think Kamala is one. And my reason is that I don’t think she could get confirmed in a 50/50 senate. She doesn’t have anywhere near the pedigree that is expected of a Supreme Court justice. She is just not smart and she has continuously demonstrated that in her present job. Moreover, I don’t know how she could break a tie vote in her confirmation. She would be required to recuse herself and if she didn’t would prove her ineligibility for the position.

Now I believe that Joe and Jill would like to get her out of the White House but it would be a dumb move because it could lead to a long and contentious and ultimately unsuccessful confirmation and lead to what this rant is really about. Breyer’s retirement is really an indication that the republicans will control the senate next year. If he thought the Dems would continue to hold the senate for the last two years of the Biden administration, he would stay for a couple more years and then let Biden appoint his replacement. He knows like we know that if he’s stays on through the year, the republicans will control the confirmation of his successor and having watched cocaine Mitch deal with Garland, he doesn’t want that to be a potential problem. And that’s again why I don’t think Kamala will be the nominee. It could drag out the confirmation process unsuccessfully and potentially let the republicans to make sure that any nominee isn’t a radical leftist addicted to the bullshit concept of a living constitution. The Constitution is what it is. It’s not a meaningless piece of parchment that can be ignored because it doesn’t allow the bs you want. Amend if you can but you can’t because the vast majority of the country is against your agenda.