Today I saw several articles indicating that there are several moderate Dems in the senate who are breathing a sigh of relief because they won’t have to vote on bbb, which is not popular with their constituents. I have told you for months that a between 5 and 10 Dems are against it but going along even though they know it might cost them re-election.

Well Cryin’Chuckie Schumer said today that he will call a vote on this crap next year so that Manchin actually has to cast a vote in the senate and not on tv. Oooo so scary. Manchin is a senator from a state that Trump won with almost 70% of the vote. It’s as red as you can get. Cryin’ Chuckie should be worried about making Dems senators up for re-election next year vote for something their constituents don’t want. Keep it up Chuckie. You’ll guarantee your loss of power.

My prediction is that this empty suit was just grandstanding and trying ignorantly bully Manchin and that he will never require a vote on this shit unless they can somehow blackmail Manchin. That’s what it will take because your bullying is only going to make Manchin dig in.