Today for the second time he came out for greatly expanding the department of education and his reason was totally a lie. First I usually prefer him as the Dem on the Five because he is usually semi rational and clearly preferable to Tarlov, but he is totally bat shit crazy on this issue. His supposed premise is that because 90+% of education is covered by state and local government and our schools are failing, it must mean that we need more federal intervention to improve our schools.
The problem is that he ignores that the reason for our failing schools is because the federal government is dictating what must be taught in schools. All the money from the federal government comes with strings attached that require teaching DEI and 1619 and all the other leftist nonsense and not the 3 R’s. No child left behind and other nonsense must be taught or else you will be investigated and sued by the DOE. He is so surprisingly wrong on this subject and I was very disappointed that no one called him out on it. Sad!