Back in the early sixties it was a given that education in the South was subpar to the rest of the country. And maybe it was true, but as I ranted about several times previously I was considered to be inferior coming from Florida to Anchorage and that was totally false. I won’t repeat the facts. (And as an aside, I was maybe the first boy to be put in the girls locker room. When I went to my first gym class in Anchorage. Apparently they confused Dennis with Denise and I got assigned to girls PE.) That’s not the purpose of this rant. The purpose is that tonight on the Fox Weekend show when the issue came up of where you should send your kids to get a real education, everyone said go south. I believe that Louisiana is now the leading state in education in the country. And I would certainly send my kids to a school in Florida or Alabama or Louisiana or Mississippi rather than anywhere in the north or west. They will be taught the 3 R’s not CRT or 1619 or DEI.

I used to think that a bright kid could overcome poor educations because they were bright enough to see through it. However, I don’t think that they can overcome the indoctrination of the leftist teacher unions. I was bored but at least learned real things. Today the brightest aren’t even taught real things. We are sacrificing a generation of intelligent minds to woke nonsense. This has to end. We need our best and brightest to actually be fully educated and to use that education to improve our country. And yes we have many brilliant computer individuals but they learned on their own from the internet. Not from our schools!

The northern and western states have denigrated our education system and if you’re there either send your kids to a private school or move.

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