When I first decided to comment on this this morning, it wasn’t all over the place but then Trump addressed this convention of seriously perverted ‘elites’ by zoom in the afternoon and so it’s all over the place now. In case you don’t recall, Davos is the Swiss city where every winter hundreds of obscenely wealthy oligarchs fly in on private jets to rant about global warming under the guise of the World Economic Forum and push for a global socialist government under them.

Trump’s election has resulted in a great reduction in people attending and in keeping with the decrepit, perverted nature of these fossils, this year demand for high priced European prostitutes has dropped by 60%. And the speeches are in front of Magoo like crowds.

Trump destroyed them to their digital faces and it’s clear they are all trying to kiss his ring to maintain some semblance of importance.

The one thing that I want to know is who paid for John Kerry to give the same doomsday global warming lecture he has given forever. He’s no longer a federal employee. And how many times can you continue with a straight face to continue to claim the world will end next year if we don’t do away with fossil fuels while he jets around the world on his private plane and yachts. The hypocrisy is strong in this one.