He is as he always has been a thin skinned ignorant bully without a single original thought in his teeny tiny brain. Now that he’s been shown the door by not only his party but by the American people, he is lashing out in some ignorant attempt to rehabilitate his legacy as the worst president in our memory.

He is issuing all kinds of EO’s to try to hamstring Trump from carrying out his mandate and obliterating everything Magoo has done. Today he issued an order banning drilling on almost all of our offshore oil reserves. Now I have seen some people say today that Trump can’t undo this nonsense on day one with his own order. I don’t believe that is true. I don’t understand why Trump can’t issue an order canceling Magoo’s order immediately.

Magoo is claiming that he is doing all this crap because it’s necessary to save the world from climate change, but ask yourself why he didn’t do this earlier in his administration if it was so important. Because he knows that his present actions are total bs designed to hamper Trump and he knows if had done them sooner, it would have further doomed any chance for reelection. We don’t want them now and we didn’t want them then.

The one thing that this makes clear to me is that you better hold on because he will do more and more moronic things as his departure comes closer and I guarantee that he will issue a bunch of preemptive pardons a day or so before he’s gone.