I’m watching some of the Golden Globes because I like Nikki Glaser and she is hosting tonight and her opening monologue was almost as good as a Ricky Gervais monologue and she only had one brief obtuse political comment. ( Don’t worry I always watch and record Levin which was excellent.)

The thing that struck me the most is that almost all the awards for TV shows are for things not on regular TV. Most of which I’ve never heard of. They are either on streaming services or at least one is on HBO which I could watch because I get HBO, but I haven’t. I don’t really understand where these people get the time to watch all this stuff and maintain a social media presence. Really ?

I don’t stream anything except recently due to a complete accident I have watched a couple of series. As I have previously mentioned I think, generally from 11 pm to 1 am or later, I watched music videos on YouTube covering a broad range of interests. However one night recently I clicked on the wrong link and was getting only kids stuff and that had happened previously and the only way to correct it would require me to get up and basically unplug the tv and then restart it.

But being lazy I noticed I could drop down and there were a plethora of options including free channels and one had Reacher. Now I have read every Lee Child’s Reacher book from the beginning until probably a year or so ago because I didn’t get my vacation last year because of medical issues and this year because of a hurricane. But I love the series and especially because he is the opposite of most of the main characters in the authors I follow. He is not rich! He hitchhikes or takes the bus. However, as opposed to Tom Cruise who played the character in two movies, he’s 6.5 feet tall and 250 pounds of sculpted muscles. Think Dolphin Lundgren. And I heard a couple years ago that they were starting a series based on the books with a person who actually represents the character. And so I watched it and it was very good and closely followed the first book. And I was able to watch the second season on Prime because they gave me a 30 free trial and then I noticed when I couldn’t get the third season that I could get Jack Ryan, the Tom Clancy main character and so I’m watching that series which I also enjoy. At some point I may have to purchase Amazon Prime, but I may already have it because they treat me as a prime member whenever I order something.

Anyway, the point of my ramblings is that regular TV is pretty much out of the picture now days. Although I still have several series I follow.

It’s sort of like when they have Disney night on Idol and I don’t recognize any of the songs.