I have written about this before but it bears repeating now that the left has lost its collective mind. Under the constitution there are three branches of government — the executive, the legislative and the judicial. Under the Constitution there are only two people in the executive branch that are elected — the president and the vice president. Everyone else is subordinate to them. There is no fourth branch that is the bureaucracy. It doesn’t exist!

I bring this up again because the left is objecting to Trump’s nominees because they are committed to carrying out his agenda. THAT’S WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! They are not free agents. They report to him and serve at his discretion. I’m sick and tired of hearing that they are supposed to somehow be independent. They are part of the executive branch period. They derive their powers directly from the president and that includes the FBI and the DOJ. I’m sick and tired of hearing that DOJ is somehow independent. It is not. It exists to carry out the president’s agenda and the laws passed by the Congress. I’ve previously pointed out many instances where the president ordered them to prosecute someone and won’t revisit them.

I had a discussion with my son today and he was upset that Trump was nominating what he considered yes men and I pointed out that that is exactly what he’s supposed to do. He was elected and they weren’t and he gets to decide what his agenda is and theirs will be. They can either follow his lead or be replaced period.

Once and forever let me say. The swamp is not in the constitution and needs to told that they are not independent and if they don’t like then resign.