First I think it was obvious from the start that it was three against one and it didn’t phase Vance. I think that Walz did better than expected and was better than SK in that he at least tried to answer follow up questions. He lied continuously and used a lot of his time claiming that Minnesota was the top in country on all kinds of things like healthcare and childcare etc and I expect that he will be fact checked tomorrow and found wanting.

Observation, I noticed that Walz was continuously scribbling notes and Vance seldom did because he is clearly intellectually superior.

Vance won but missed several opportunities to score more points. (Again this is off the top of my head so I will probably miss a few things I wanted to say and maybe I will remember them tomorrow.) These are in no particular order but Vance held his feet to the fire on killing of babies who survived abortions and then were left to die. There are on average six such cases each year in Minnesota under Walz. Putting actual numbers in front of America would have been more effective and painted Walz in a corner.

I did enjoy Vance frequently stealing SK’s thunder by pointing out his middle class background, although I would argue that he actually started out in the lower class and rose above it.

He should have called out Walz for saying that the problem is guns not the people using them. Guns don’t pull their own triggers, Alex Baldwin to the contrary notwithstanding.

I understand that Walz is not a lawyer but Vance went to Yale Law School and should have known that the ‘you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater’ case has long been overturned. It was Walz basis for questioning the first amendment and Vance should have called him on it.

When Walz talked about apparently Trump trying to put his opposition in jail, I expected Vance to point out that that is exactly what they are trying to do to Trump.

I was surprised that when Walz kept talking about J6 and violence and destruction, Vance did not once mention that he let Minneapolis burn to the ground. He could have thrown it in when Walz was talking about how great housing was in his state. Really?

I was very disappointed that Vance didn’t challenge the Project 2025 nonsense.

I was also disappointed that he didn’t challenge Walz on his nonsense about Trump mishandling Covid. They say it all the time and no one ever asks them to explain how? And he had the golden opportunity to ask Walz who it was that unconstitutionally shut down Minnesotan businesses and schools? And set up a snitch line?

I wish that he had challenged Walz on the court cases dismissing Trump’s challenges to the election. All or almost all those cases were never adjudicated on the merits. They were tossed out on standing or laches. Vance could have pointed out that at least two state supreme courts have ruled that the 2020 election was unconstitutional in their state.

He could have used Walz lying about his Hong Kong lie to bring up his false military claims.

I’m sure there’s more but that’s all I can remember for now.

I can’t wait to see how the presstitutes spin it. Even HFJ said Walz got slaughtered.

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