These people keep demonstrating that they have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to televising the Trump J6 trial.

HFJ apparently thinks justice should be hidden from us mere mortals.

The blonde munchkin thinks it would be a mistake to allow cameras into a courtroom in spite of the fact that it did not affect the OJ trial or the Kenosha trial and literally hundreds of other televised trials. Dana’s evidence was look what happened when White House briefings were televised and Jim Acosta acted the fool. Guess what munchkin, if Acosta did that in a courtroom his ass would be in jail and fined and could lose his license. Judges don’t have to put up with shit and they don’t.

Jesse had maybe the stupidest solution. He suggested that they should do like the Supreme Court and allow audio only. Guess what moron, oral arguments in the Supreme Court are just that. Lawyers argue their case and respond orally to questions from the justices. In a trial court there are exhibits and documents and charts and videos that would be lost in audio only.

The other thing that they seem to miss is that if it’s not televised than all the low knowledge voters will only get what the deranged msm tells them happened. If it’s all on live many might watch and make it much harder for the left to pretend what happened didn’t.