Monthly Archives: May 2023


Last night was Disney night on American Idol and once again I didn’t know any of the songs except two. The first was the Climb by Miley Cyrus apparently from Hannan Montana. I didn’t realize that was a Disney movie and I don’t consider that as a Disney movie. It’s not Snow White.

The other was Life is a Highway by Rascal Flats which I like and had no idea it was supposedly a Disney song. So I looked it up and Rascal Flats recorded it in 2005 and then it was used in 2006 in Cars. I have never seen any Disney movies after Aladdin because my kids are now 36, the twins, and 40.


So I saw an article today about a judge who has ordered the FDA to produce under FOIA the trial data for the approval of the‘vaccines’ in two years instead of the 23.5 years that they wanted. So two years from now and five years after it would have made an informed decision possible you might really find out the risks involved. Unfortunately just like a prostitute told a comedian I like you get your money up front because you can’t unsuck a dick. Unfortunately you also can’t unvaccinate yourself.


I was listening to them for a while today and their later segment on the Iowa caucuses was just plain stupid. They apparently think that Ronnie DS has a great chance to win in Iowa because Cruz beat Trump there in 2016 when Cruz was only polling at 2%. It is so stupid that it requires response. In 2016 Trump wasn’t really a mainstay in Iowa. However during his first term he favored the farmers in Iowa and the nations breadbasket with billions of dollars by putting tariffs on China and giving most of that money back to the farmers. Head to head how do you think RDS will do when Trump touts what he did for them and RDS hasn’t done anything for them? It amazes me how often the supposed geniuses can’t recall the past.


My apologies because I thought he would do his job and I was wrong, but he thought he did his job to protect DOJ. He told us what we’ve known for years and didn’t even try to indict the big crooks. Jesse said he did report on things we didn’t know about ditching Hillary investigations but I’m pretty sure I ranted about that six or seven years ago and I agree with Pirro that it’s all talk and no action. I should have recognized that the outcome would be pablum protecting the swamp because he was chosen by the ultimate swamp rat Barr.


I heard Clay and Buck talking about maybe there should be a limit on the age for a president put in the constitution instead of a minimum age. It’s utter nonsense.and their position is that because of Feinstein and Magoo it should be obvious. Really? Feinstein is clearly incompetent and looks like she had a stroke and not shingles. And Magoo is clearly mentally disabled. However Chuck Grassley is 89, the same age as Feinstein and he is clearly mentally cogent . So stop the nonsense. Age is not the issue. It’s mental activity. Shrek is in his forties and doesn’t know what he’s doing in any given day. He’s basically a vegetable!

So let’s stop talking about age. Let’s start talking about mental acuity!


I’m not going to say a lot about the Comer presser this morning. I watched it all and I’m sure many of you did also and if you didn’t you can see it or read it anywhere. But here’s the most interesting thing that was pointed out today and that is that there is no Magoo family business. They don’t own shopping malls or hotel chains or anything else. Their only business is influence peddling.

So what services did the grandkids perform for the money they got from foreign governments or the siblings etc? Pirro did an excellent job of explaining how criminal enterprises work and the Magoo mafia is clearly one. Tarlov’s lonely brain cell embarrassed itself again. Her standard is that Magoo’s innocent if you can’t show a direct deposit from a foreign government into Magoo’s bank account. Now here’s the question nobody asked. Where did all Magoo’s money come from? He’s worth millions and has never had a real job? I’m guessing some of the graft made it’s way into his account after a thorough laundering.