Monthly Archives: April 2023


I enjoyed his interview last night and as most of you know I really appreciate an individual who can sit for a lengthy interview and respond cogently and insightfully without having to read notes or cue cards showing a mastery of the subjects. Perhaps the best I’ve ever seen was now Justice Amy Coney Barrett who during the course of her confirmation hearing sat there with no notes period and destroyed her adversaries. Anyone want to guess how Magoo would do?

The second thing that stood out is that age isn’t the issue. It’s mental acuity and Trump has it and Magoo doesn’t. I’m tired of hearing people say that if Trump and Magoo are on the same stage it takes old age off the table. I say bs. Age is not the issue. Mental clarity is.


This is actually the first rant today but will show up as the last which is why I did it this way.

There continues a great push to get the manifesto released. And the authorities have said that would be dangerous because of the scenarios presented in it. I personally think that they might be right. I previously ranted about this a few years ago, probably in wake of parkland or maybe Uvalde. Anyway I indicated that hardening schools was not really a solution and explained why, and I’m not going to repeat that now because I don’t want anyone claiming that I inspired anything. Fortunately nobody reads my nonsense but if similar things are in the manifesto then it will be widely read and potentially inspire more shootings.

The one thing I will say is that anyone who goes into a school to kill knows that they are committing suicide.


I believe it was yesterday that the House passed a bill that would allow only biological women to play in women’s sports. It was unanimous for republicans and zero votes for democrats. And then Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader, came out and said this is addressing an issue that doesn’t exist. Not only is that total bullshit but why didn’t someone ask him if the issue doesn’t exist then why didn’t he vote for it since it would have no effect on reality?

I continue to be amazed that Dem women vote against themselves and idiots like Megan Rapinoe who have already made their money not having to compete against men now want other women to have to compete against men. She is just a media whore who wants to keep her name in the news. Megan should be the last person to want this for those who follow in her footsteps. She knows it’s blatantly unfair. Remember she and our World Cup winning women’s soccer team lost to a 15 and under boys team from Dallas 5-2. Coaches have said that once boys reach 14 no women’s team has a chance and that is reality. Megan knows it but is just a sad media whore who’s willing to sell out her sisters for a couple more minutes of media attention!


This is a scam that’s been around since Hillary won the popular vote but lost the election by a landslide. The way the scam works is that states pass laws to join the compact and when a sufficient number join so that collectively they control 270 or more electoral votes, the compact goes into effect and these states promise to cast their electoral votes for whichever candidate wins the nation wide popular vote irrespective of whether or not their actual citizens voted 100% for the other candidate.

It came up again today because Minnesota is trying to pass such legislation and it was of concern to one of you. As I have previously stated this is all about the outrage because their annoited one Hillary lost the election but won the popular vote. Let me remind you again that Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes and she won California by 4 1/2 million votes. Thus she lost the popular vote for the other 49 by one and one half million votes and so basically they came up with this scam to basically turn over presidential elections to California.

Fear not. It would be blatantly unconstitutional if it ever were implemented. It’s an attempt to amend the constitution without amending it. What it really is is an admission that the Dems can’t effectively compete in all states, particularly in a fair election, and so want to ensure their power is cemented forever.


I meant to do this a couple of days ago but you know how lazy I am. If you didn’t see his two hour interview with Tucker please do. It was fascinating just watching how his mind works and his command over multiple subjects. He is not a one trick pony which his competitors appear to be.

Steve Jobs didn’t even code. He had great ideas that others had to do the work to bring to fruition. Bill Gates was a brilliant coder and had the vision to monetize his work. But if you listen to him he only opens his mouth to switch feet these days. He may be rich and computer savvy but he’s a self important idiot.

Now Musk was an excellent coder and also an incredible visionary. And he demonstrated that on Tucker.

Here’s why I am envious of all of them. They have ideas and figure out how to capitalize on them. They would no doubt figure out a way to make money on my rants. I don’t even consider it. I just have no entrepreneurial skills. Some of you do but I don’t. And one reason that I have discussed previously is that I just assume, wrongly apparently, that everyone sees what I do.

Here’s my best example of my shortcoming in this area which I have discussed with at least one of you. My senior year in engineering, we’re talking 50 years ago now, we had to take a course called Numerical Methods Fortran in which had to develop Fortran computer programs to solve various mathematical problems. In case you don’t know it Fortran was a computer language back in the day. I have absolutely no idea what they are using today.

But anyway, we had to develop a program to determine the area under a curve and I won’t bore you with the details but basically you just keep dividing it into narrower and narrower rectangles. So the standard way you were supposed to do that was using if then statements and I looked at it and said that’s stupid and used a do loop which required far fewer code lines and remember back then we were using IBM punch cards that were then run through the computer. Anyway my way required many less cards and could be expanded to whatever degree of certainty you wanted by just changing one card. A do loop is basically a program where you tell the computer to perform a sequence from one to x times and at the beginning of the program you define x=10 or 100 or 1000 or whatever you want. All you have to do to fine tune the result is to replace the one card. You couldn’t do that with the way suggested in the text. My professor asked to see me and asked if he could use my program and being the naive idiot I was I said sure. I figured everyone would see what I saw. I have no idea what he did with it but I’m certain he got some money off it, and here’s what I didn’t even recognize until the last couple days. The standard textbook had a solution that my solution blew away and I didn’t realize it until a couple days ago. What was obvious to me was an order of magnitude better than the old way and I didn’t get one penny. That textbook had to be pulled and rewritten or it was bs. I guarantee you that the above three would have made a lot of money off it and that’s why they are where they are and I’m not.

Listen I don’t mean to suggest that I am Elon’s intellectual equal because I’m not but the other two outside of programming are not a concern. They are great marketers and I’m sadly not.


Today on the show they were talking about how important they think it is for DeSantis to get into the primary because the republican nominee needs to be sharpened by conflict so that he’s ready to enter the debate ring with Magoo. Just sit back and consider how stupid that position is. There is no one other than Shrek and Feinstein who could lose to Magoo in an honest debate and therein lies the problem. Past presidential debates have always been moderated by biased liberal pundits. This time around I believe that the RNC has said it won’t blindly accept debates from the leftist Presidential Debate Commission and that is the right position.

Here’s what I would like to see. A debate with two moderators — Rachel Maddow and Mark Levin. Rachel could ask Trump questions and then Magoo could follow up and then Mark could ask Magoo questions and Trump could follow up. I’m pretty sure you could sell tickets to that!


We have learned in the past that the US supported bio weapons labs in Ukraine and now today we learned that a nuclear power plant in Ukraine apparently under Russian control has sensitive US nuclear technology and/or secrets.

There has been a lot of speculation so I will put in my two cents. I think it’s possible that we were supporting a breeder reactor. What is a breeder reactor you ask. It’s a reactor that produces more fissile material than it consumes including plutonium that is more than sufficient to continue to produce electricity in perpetuity by using plutonium instead of uranium. It was a project here in the 70’s but was shut down by Congress because of the fear that the production of plutonium would be dangerous because it doesn’t need enrichment to be converted into a nuclear weapon. Plutonium is sufficient on its own!

We know we were using Ukrainian labs for gain of function. How much of a stretch is it to consider we were involved in creating a breeder reactor in Ukraine?

I have absolutely no knowledge about what’s going on but this just popped into my twisted mind as a possibility.

Btw the NRC policy if you will was called GESMO. You can look it up.


I waited to put this up until Levin with VDH was over in case they covered it. But they didn’t and I haven’t seen it on any news shows only a couple of articles.

So here’s the point. Diane Feinstein is older than dirt and at this point has about the same brain power as dirt and this is actually a good thing because the Senate Judiciary Committee is divided 12-11 in the Dems favor but senators have to be present to cast votes and so the Dems have been unable to advance leftist judges for confirmation. She has now decided that she will let Schumer appoint someone to temporarily replace on the committee until she is well enough to return.

Now here’s why it’s time to hitch up britches. Anyone who he appoints would need sixty votes to get on the committee and the Dems don’t have it unless a lot of RINO’s defect. If they stand tall, Magoo won’t be able to get his socialist judges confirmed until Feinstein returns and it looks like that may never happen. Hooray