We have learned in the past that the US supported bio weapons labs in Ukraine and now today we learned that a nuclear power plant in Ukraine apparently under Russian control has sensitive US nuclear technology and/or secrets.

There has been a lot of speculation so I will put in my two cents. I think it’s possible that we were supporting a breeder reactor. What is a breeder reactor you ask. It’s a reactor that produces more fissile material than it consumes including plutonium that is more than sufficient to continue to produce electricity in perpetuity by using plutonium instead of uranium. It was a project here in the 70’s but was shut down by Congress because of the fear that the production of plutonium would be dangerous because it doesn’t need enrichment to be converted into a nuclear weapon. Plutonium is sufficient on its own!

We know we were using Ukrainian labs for gain of function. How much of a stretch is it to consider we were involved in creating a breeder reactor in Ukraine?

I have absolutely no knowledge about what’s going on but this just popped into my twisted mind as a possibility.

Btw the NRC policy if you will was called GESMO. You can look it up.