I waited to put this up until Levin with VDH was over in case they covered it. But they didn’t and I haven’t seen it on any news shows only a couple of articles.
So here’s the point. Diane Feinstein is older than dirt and at this point has about the same brain power as dirt and this is actually a good thing because the Senate Judiciary Committee is divided 12-11 in the Dems favor but senators have to be present to cast votes and so the Dems have been unable to advance leftist judges for confirmation. She has now decided that she will let Schumer appoint someone to temporarily replace on the committee until she is well enough to return.
Now here’s why it’s time to hitch up britches. Anyone who he appoints would need sixty votes to get on the committee and the Dems don’t have it unless a lot of RINO’s defect. If they stand tall, Magoo won’t be able to get his socialist judges confirmed until Feinstein returns and it looks like that may never happen. Hooray