She is a black doctor just on Tucker and I agree with her. I’m not interested in your race or ethnicity or color. I’m interested in your competency period. I had the doctor, his name was Chuilli I think and early on in our first interaction he made the point of telling me he was an American. I didn’t ask and was surprised because I selected him because he was highly recommended not because of his ethnicity. He was the doctor who operated on me to eliminate my dick farting, pnematuria.
But the thing that she talked about that really rang true with me was when she talked about doctors being co-opted by big medico. My doctor here was for the first six or seven years a private physician in a group of physicians that had their own practice. When I went in we would always shoot the shit and catch up on what was going on. And then that group got swallowed up by UNC Healthcare and he suddenly became a corporate bureaucrat interested more in checking boxes for money than in actually interacting with me. He still did a decent job but it was like being on an assembly line. He has become more real recently but we need family practitioners not corporate employees.