I am only going to rant about positive things concerning Covid. Those of you who were forced to take the shot can look up the bad news. So here’s the good news. Over the past week or so two studies have come out that should make you happy. First a study came out that once and for all put a stake in the heart of the mask nonsense, although that shouldn’t be a surprise since I pointed out that back in the beginning of the Covid nonsense the CDC put out a meta study of all studies of the effectiveness of masking and found that they are worthless.

Now the other thing that came out is the definitive study on natural immunity and it’s way more effective than the shot. And the thing I heard today that makes this even more good news is that apparently we have probably all gotten Covid and will probably get it at least 8 or more times in our lifetimes because it’s just become like the common cold or the flu. Another corona virus that will be with us forever and is less and less lethal as time goes by.

As you know I have never been vaccinated and don’t take the flu shot and have not been adversely affected. I was tested two times when I went to the ER for other problems and both times the test was negative. Now there was a period of time that I basically lost my sense of taste but had no other symptoms and my doctor said that I probably had Covid. That’s reality. All of you have probably had Covid and didn’t know it and frankly didn’t care. Just go on with your life and ignore the hype. You have a much greater chance of dying from the shot than the virus!