Today on the Five Judge Pirro said something again today that never really registered with me until today when I realized it was nonsense. She said, as she had several times previously, that when she was a judge she would offer drug addicts a choice between going to rehab and or a year in jail and they always chose jail because they wanted to continue to be free to do drugs.

Amazingly, I have never been in either one but I have seen my twins in rehab and for the first three to five days they are basically in lockdown to dry out and then alcohol free and kept that way for a month they got counseling. There was absolutely nothing to stop them from getting drunk the day they got out.

Now here’s my dilemma with the judge. I’m pretty sure that you can’t continue to do drugs on a daily basis in jail for a year and so you’re going to be pretty clean when you get out and I’m pretty sure you get drug counseling in jail. So why would you choose a year of drying out over a month. I just don’t understand but maybe that’s because I don’t know what parole conditions are added to the rehab but I’m pretty sure no one walks out of rehab totally alcohol and drug free and immediately gets high. And I’m also pretty sure that after a year of sobriety or drug free no one goes immediately back to their old ways. So I don’t understand Pirro’s point.