Monthly Archives: August 2022


I don’t know if you saw it but Magoo and company are now taking our active in use weapons and giving them to Ukraine. Could it be any clearer that Magoo wants to make us Chinese puppets? We won’t have what we need should China invade Taiwan

Btw in case you didn’t understand this rant, the point is that Magoo is not sending weapons from our stockpile, he is sending front line weapons we need to Ukraine.


I don’t know if you saw it but Magoo and the morons are going to have us bankroll Canada’s mining industry because we will need many of the minerals they will mine for green new bs and Magoo and the Morons are blocking mining in the US that would make it unnecessary.

It’s just like this brain dead idiot canceled Keystone XL and then greenlighted Nordstream II. It appears that Magoo hates us and weaken the country to make us subservient to other countries.

And there was one more thing that I wanted to list here but I forgot but will add when I remember.


You certainly know about Magoo’s handout to bribe voters before the midterms. And you also know that Magoo doesn’t have the authority to do it and even Pelosi said so. But Magoo doesn’t believe in the law or constitution. He has openly defied court decisions and basically said what you going to do about it and with the Dems in control he’s right. When the republicans take back control, then impeachment is the answer.

Now for the good news. Because of the income cap, the Squad is ineligible. Members of Congress make $174,000/yr.

One thing that keeps being pushed is that 70% of the money will go to the top 60% of incomes and I thought that seemed counterintuitive and then I looked it up and I understand why they say that but never put up the numbers. So here’s the facts The top 60% starts at $40,000 and $100,000 puts you in the top ten percent. So I don’t support Magoo’s actions, but it’s not like doctors and lawyers etc are getting this money.

I still think that the best way to fix the problem is to allow student loans to be subject to discharge in bankruptcy, which if you recall, Magoo removed from bankruptcy coverage to shill for all his banking friends. The reason I think this is the way to go is because then lenders would think twice about Willy nilly handing out loans to people who they should know will never be able to pay them back and would require that the federal government get out of the business entirely because their guarantee is what perpetrated this fraud and universities couldn’t just continue to raise tuition because that would potentially put them out of business. Hell make the universities be the ones to make the loans from their endowments and see how quickly things change.

Remember what happened when the inflation increasing bill passed including a I think a $6500 rebate for electric car purchase. The next day several ev producers raised their price by you guessed it — $6500.


Ok it appears that after Trump allowed 15 boxes of documents to be sent to the Archives, Magoo waived Trump’s executive and lawyer client privilege over those documents so his DOJ could get access to them to try to make a criminal case in front of the grand jury. Now I don’t know how he can do it legally. It’s not your right to waive my privileges. And if it turns out that he could do that then Trump on his first day in office should issue an executive order canceling all Magoo claims of privilege and declassify everything Magoo classified in his last three months in office and then send the feds to Magoo’s houses and demand all records he has.

Turnabout is fair play and in this case would probably lead to actually criminal charges.

And apparently Magoo also reclassified everything in the initial boxes.

Now my thinking of this lead me to conclude that I have not adequately explained the president’s classification authority. Yes it derives from his position at the chief executive. However, you might not know that the present classification system didn’t actually come into play until 1953 when Eisenhower issued an executive order establishing a formal system. Previously there was a concept of defense information but not a formal system.

Now you know that I was the attorney responsible for national security matters for the first 20+ years of my federal career in an agency dealing with nuclear matters but what I never put out before was the first thing I did was research and put together a book containing every executive order on classification up to the EO in effect at the time and then I passed it on to my successor. And the thing that surprised me was that I still remember that it was EO 11652 issued by Nixon and it was close to fifty years ago.

But my point is that all classification authority comes from the president and all the executive orders make that clear! Any assertions to the contrary are pure bs.


Watching Tucker and just had a segment about Magoo’s goons raiding an Amish farm and trying to close it down because there cattle who are totally organic and contain no hormones or other additives somehow violate federal regulations. These cattle are raised without any artificial fertilizer or any thing else and of course no fossil fuels are involved. Basically they are pure beef and we can’t have that.

Now the reason for this rant is that when I lived in Maryland there was a Dutch market, read that as Amish and they wore the appropriate attire and they were the real deal. I’m sure one of you knows where it is. But I used to shop there every couple of weeks because they had a butcher shop that was fantastic. Better than any other butcher shop in the area. It was fantastic so I’m really upset by Magoo’s goons trying to stop these incredible people and their incredible food. Just as an add on, they had by far the most incredible chocolate torte I ever tasted.


Am watching the Five and they just had a segment on the teacher shortage and Magoo’s morons are apoplectic about messing with the teacher unions monopoly and I guess his ignorant wife has a lot to do with it. DeSantis wants to let degreed veterans and first responders teach without going through certification and the left is going crazy.

Now first let’s consider the nonsense. As you know I have three degrees and nine years college education. Not a single course was taught by anyone with teaching credentials. I even taught in law school and I don’t have teaching credentials and so I guess all my education should be considered invalid because it wasn’t approved by some teachers union.

Next let me reiterate that anyone who graduated from high school with a C average could teach elementary education. Maybe give them a week or two of training but they could probably do it without any. Do any of you think a person with a degree in math or science or engineering couldn’t teach high school math or science? Remember as I ranted about once, when I moved from Tampa to Anchorage they put me in the lower algebra class because Florida schools weren’t considered good and at that point Anchorage was rated as the number two school system in the nation. Of course they overlooked that I went to catholic school and have no idea whether the nuns were certified teachers but they were good.

And as I have said previously I basically taught the first semester because my teacher couldn’t effectively explain word problems and so basically she and my fellow students asked me frequently to go the board and explain it. This is not to brag but to point out what should be obvious. Some people have the capacity to convey information effectively and some don’t and teachers union approval has nothing to do with it.

All this certification nonsense has nothing to do with effectively educating children. It’s all about protecting a monopoly. It’s the licensing effect to keep out the competition — like barbers or hairdressers or nail salons — they want to limit competition. People should be able to use their own common sense to decide whether or not you like your barber or in my case my manicurist. Not

Clearly there are some professions that need to be licensed like doctors and lawyers because letting unqualified people practice could have devastating results.


I’m sure most of you have seen the video of the federal officer unlocking the gate and allowing illegals to pour through and it struck me the wrong way and I should have probably ranted earlier but no one is covering it in the way I would.

First I assume you know that the fence and the gate were on private property and not the property of the federal government. So on what authority can they just come into private property and force you to let criminals on your property? It sounds to me like the 5th amendment taking clause cases I suggested during the lockdowns. Lawsuits should be filed!

Maybe file a trespass case against the officers involved unless they had a warrant and didn’t see one or hear about one. Until citizens fight back in court, Magoo’s Gestapo needs to know that they can’t do anything they want with impunity.


Today I saw an article talking about the reasons Trump shouldn’t run again and it was by a person who voted for Trump twice and there was the usual he’ll be too old et cetera but the one point he made is that Trump would be a lame duck on his first day in office because he couldn’t run in 2028. And I got to thinking that with Trump that’s probably a positive.

Without having to worry about reelection, he would be free to be the bull in the China shop and clear out the swamp, undo everything Magoo did and end CDC authority to destroy the country and put a stake in the heart of the climate religion fraud. He could cancel subsidies for wind and solar, champion nuclear and make us energy independent again and to anyone who doesn’t like it turn around and show them the mistletoe hanging over his butt.


I have listened to Peter Navarro several times recently and he has destroyed Jared as a Rasputin like figure who constantly without official position undermined others to keep Trump from doing what he should have and it ultimately resulted in Trump losing and I believe it. Jared is and was only interested in making himself an outsized figure and don’t forget that both he and his wife are dyed in the wool Democrats and should have been kept away from the Trump administration. They hurt him and he was too loyal to family to stop it. He made a lot of bad personnel decisions due to his outsider status at the beginning of his administration and he won’t repeat them in a second term and because Jared has now written his work of fiction he will not be invited back. So I don’t understand why Levin is giving this mole a platform.

I have three children and I would not let any of them near my administration if I held elective office.