You certainly know about Magoo’s handout to bribe voters before the midterms. And you also know that Magoo doesn’t have the authority to do it and even Pelosi said so. But Magoo doesn’t believe in the law or constitution. He has openly defied court decisions and basically said what you going to do about it and with the Dems in control he’s right. When the republicans take back control, then impeachment is the answer.

Now for the good news. Because of the income cap, the Squad is ineligible. Members of Congress make $174,000/yr.

One thing that keeps being pushed is that 70% of the money will go to the top 60% of incomes and I thought that seemed counterintuitive and then I looked it up and I understand why they say that but never put up the numbers. So here’s the facts The top 60% starts at $40,000 and $100,000 puts you in the top ten percent. So I don’t support Magoo’s actions, but it’s not like doctors and lawyers etc are getting this money.

I still think that the best way to fix the problem is to allow student loans to be subject to discharge in bankruptcy, which if you recall, Magoo removed from bankruptcy coverage to shill for all his banking friends. The reason I think this is the way to go is because then lenders would think twice about Willy nilly handing out loans to people who they should know will never be able to pay them back and would require that the federal government get out of the business entirely because their guarantee is what perpetrated this fraud and universities couldn’t just continue to raise tuition because that would potentially put them out of business. Hell make the universities be the ones to make the loans from their endowments and see how quickly things change.

Remember what happened when the inflation increasing bill passed including a I think a $6500 rebate for electric car purchase. The next day several ev producers raised their price by you guessed it — $6500.