I have listened to Peter Navarro several times recently and he has destroyed Jared as a Rasputin like figure who constantly without official position undermined others to keep Trump from doing what he should have and it ultimately resulted in Trump losing and I believe it. Jared is and was only interested in making himself an outsized figure and don’t forget that both he and his wife are dyed in the wool Democrats and should have been kept away from the Trump administration. They hurt him and he was too loyal to family to stop it. He made a lot of bad personnel decisions due to his outsider status at the beginning of his administration and he won’t repeat them in a second term and because Jared has now written his work of fiction he will not be invited back. So I don’t understand why Levin is giving this mole a platform.

I have three children and I would not let any of them near my administration if I held elective office.