Assuming that you are alive you no doubt know that the Supremes overturned Roe v Wade today and the idiots on the left reacted as expected. They lost their special needs minds. I don’t know if it was because their threats and protests and violence after the draft was leaked didn’t intimidate the court or because they really don’t understand constitutional law.
But first let me remind you that I predicted that the Supremes would issue it at the very end of the term so they could get out of Dodge. Now it would probably be illegal and surely unethical but I would love to see Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and Barrett hole up at Mar-a-Lago for a few weeks. That would certainly drive the left even more insane. Hey, I can dream.
I have already covered this before but the decision did not outlaw abortion. It just said there is no constitutional right to abortion. States now have the freedom to decide for their citizens how abortion will be handled in their state and be responsible at the ballot box for whatever they decide. The supremes are not subject to the ballot box!
I heard Pelosi speaking live this morning about 45 minutes after the decision and reading from a prepared speech. First there is no way she read it since it was 213 pages and I doubt she could read and digest that in a week. In fact I doubt she has actually read any of the bs legislation she rammed through under her speakership. Thus the leak allowed them to prepare her remarks and then tweak them when someone literate read the opinion or the syllabus. So she said the lies that she and her ilk always do about how this is the end of the world for women.
I’ll deal with some of that later in this rant, but the point I want to make about Pelosi and I’m certain others on the left because they all get the same talking points is that she said, and I heard her, that the court was hypocritical because yesterday they said that states couldn’t impose restrictions on the second amendment constitutional right and today they said they could do that on the constitutional right to abortion. I immediately called bullshit because there is a major difference between the two. The second amendment is actually in the constitution and so is by definition a constitutional right. The ‘constitutional’ right to abortion is no where in the constitution and is a made up right. It’s part of many invalid decisions that the supremes based on the illegitimate notion of substantive due process. Before they found this nonsense, due process meant the process that you were due and not actual substantive rights. Btw I was in law school when all this was going on
Then Magoo came out and did his normal blathering that now women will be forced to give birth to babies that were the result of them being raped. I haven’t done the research but I’m pretty sure that the overwhelming number of states have exceptions for rape and incest. Magoo also almost cried when discussing the second thing mentioned above, which is odd or maybe he just has a guilty conscience because he took showers with his teenage daughter. He’s a a gropey moron.
The last thing I want to discuss is the nonsense that this decision will lead to the end of contraception and gay sex and gay marriage — I could give you the case names but if you read anything today you already know. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I don’t want to get into the weeds Alito specifically said in his opinion that it did not and unfortunately Thomas did put a line in his concurrence suggesting that maybe all the rights based on substantive due should be revisited. That gave the left talking points, but looking at reality, the chance of these three issues being overturned are remote at best and would result in no changes if sent back to the states. First someone would have to have standing to get a case before the supremes and do any of you believe there is a state that would ban abortion or sodomy or gay marriage in this day and age. Listen, the town elders in Footloose might do it but I don’t believe that any state would even try to prevent these things.