Monthly Archives: May 2022


I am sick and tired of the left deifying Floyd. He was a career criminal, a felon, and a drug addict who resisted arrest and eventually died from a fentanyl overdose. In spite of what you might have heard or been told, the coroner said he did not die from strangulation. In fact he had Covid so his death should have been counted as a Covid death.

Now I’m not defending Chauvin because I think he was wrong in continuing after Floyd was subdued, but I am sick and tired of having statues of our founding fathers torn down and replaced with black criminals. The left is sick. Michael Brown is deified based on a total lie – hands up don’t shoot — which even Eric Holder’s corrupt DOJ said was a lie.

The last thing we need is for young black people growing up thinking these criminals are somehow to be revered!


What do these idiots have in common? Aside from the fact that they both are in love with open borders, they love sticking with what they think is a clever point. Today Magoo once again uttered his favorite thoroughly debunked nonsense that you couldn’t own a cannon at the nation’s founding.

And what you ask is Geraldo’s contribution. He thinks he’s so clever to say if you’re not old enough to buy a beer at 18 then you’re certainly not old enough to buy an ‘assault’ rifle. Now one obvious point is that in fact at 18 you are old enough to fight and die for this country, and I think Martha brought it up on the Five tonight, but never mentioned is the fact that you are apparently old enough and mature enough to vote at 18. Apparently 18 is only too immature to do something Geraldo doesn’t want you to do.


I ranted after the Parkland shooting that the calls for massive funding for school protection were ridiculous because any actual evidence indicated that school kids were more likely to be killed by lightning or auto accidents than from school shooters and that is still true but I now believe that schools need to be fortified with a single entrance and at least one armed guard protecting them. The radical left has made it necessary. I can’t imagine how I would have felt if one of my kids had been the victim of a random nutcase shooting up a school but I can guarantee you that I would have killed the sob by any means necessary if he was still alive, no matter the consequence to me.

Think John Grisham’s “A Time to Kill”.


He was reduced to a one trick pony because even he knew he couldn’t make it about white supremacy, or maybe he didn’t know but his handlers knew. And if you watched closely in the beginning he wanted to make it about him and Beau and though he gave a nod to who I guess was Jill his handlers didn’t let him.

As is always his go too place, he lied. He doesn’t know that an assault weapon was used. The killer bought two long guns, read that as rifles. He has no idea whatsoever that they were AR-15’s or any assault weapon. And he went to his standard lie that this only happens in the US. I have previously ranted about how big a lie this is but haven’t gone back to look it up do to my laziness but you can.


There is to my eyes an unprecedented spate of violence going on recently and it appears to be totally random nut jobs of every race and ideology. I know that the left is out trying to raise money for gun control and against white supremacy because that’s what they always do.

I haven’t heard what race or ethnicity today’s shooter is but given the location it’s probably a good bet that he’s Hispanic. (Just saw that his name is Ramos so my guess is correct so we should blame AOC.) Also on the gun issue, I would venture given the location at the southern border area in Texas, I would bet that everyone there has multiple weapons for protection and probably hunting.

So what’s going on? My guess is that the leftist agenda is coming home to roost. For decades they have been trying to destroy the nuclear family and religion. They have been cheering violence as the way to settle grievances. We had the summer of love in 2020 where they cheered on violence and looting and killing as appropriate because they didn’t like something. And making clear that as long as you’re on the left, the law doesn’t apply to you.

Is it really any wonder that we now have a generation of people that were radicalized in public schools and mentally damaged by all the bs gender stuff and other nonsense instead of educating them in the 3 R’s and the actual history of this country and civics instead of how great Che and Castro and Mao are.

This has been a ticking time bomb and is apparently coming home, probably exacerbated by the isolation mandated for Covid.

Just my thoughts.


Tucker is talking about this now and I have been thinking about ranting about this for a while but didn’t because I saw articles pointing out that it’s not what it’s being made out to be because they can’t dictate our health policies. Now it appears that they may, but here’s the kicker, if it’s a treaty it requires a two thirds majority of the senate to approve it and that will never happen so it’s another bullshit non binding leftist move like the Paris climate deal. It’s only as valid as idiots are willing to follow it.

If De Santis says fuck you to the WHO, he wins hands down!


I think the best example I can give of what I consider domestic terrorism is something that I and at least one person who reads my bs lived through and that is the DC sniper. Listen you know what antifa and blm are going to do. We had no idea where the sniper would strike next and all his early shots were basically in my neighborhood — a gas station I frequented, the post office I used and a little strip mall near home. I went through the area to and from work every day and ate there frequently. He had the whole DC megalopolis on pins and needles and that’s really terrorism. BLM and antifa are criminal mobs only interested in looting and destruction.