Monthly Archives: May 2022


I’ll be putting up a more substantive rant in a couple hours but I couldn’t pass up commenting on the commercials for the all electric Cherokee. It shows the vehicle running around in the desert and then magically an apple charging station appears. I don’t know if we’re supposed to believe you can charge an EV with your iPhone but I don’t think so and the last place I want to be tooling around in an ev is the desert!


What I have been saying about the police response in Uvalde is getting pretty close to standard now. There were two good articles today, one by Piers Morgan in the NY Post and one by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall. You can look them up and I’m sure you would enjoy. The reason I bring this up is because Kurt made a great point. He said they want us to disarm because we don’t need to protect ourselves because they will do it for us. How’d that work out in Uvalde?!


Much noise is being made about the fact that Kemp and Raffensperger won their primaries over Trump backed candidates. All the RINO’s and Never Trumpers and the left are claiming that it means that Trump is not the kingmaker anymore. First, he’s something like 106 wins to 5 losses. Not too shabby. But the real point is that Trump had no choice but to endorse the opposition and they had no chance to win.

In 2020 both Kemp and Raffensperger took the position that the election was perfect — nothing to see here — because they didn’t want to take responsibility for the corruption that took place. Raffensperger even went so far as to say that the video showing suitcases of ballots being pulled out after everyone left and counted in some cases three times was standard procedure and to the best of my knowledge, that’s still the go to for claiming it had been debunked.

Trump wasn’t happy and rightly so and made a suggestion that maybe you shouldn’t bother in the senate runoffs because your vote probably wouldn’t count and that resulted in the Dems picking up both seats and control of the senate. Bad mistake.

What happened in the ensuing two years tells you all you need to know about why primaries went the way they did. The governor and the secretary of state knew that the election had been corrupted as more and more evidence came out and while not admitting anything, they passed comprehensive voting reform to ensure that future elections be legitimate. You know it as Jim Crow 2.0 ! It was widely popular and even resulted in a massive increase in voter turnout and not suppression.

So now you had two popular incumbents who Trump could never endorse because he feels they did him wrong and some others who didn’t stand a chance and Trump should have stayed out of it but his ego wouldn’t let him. This has nothing to do with his overall popularity and everything to do with an a losing vendetta. Like everything Trump, it will be blown out of proportion by the TDS crowd.


I considered not writing this because of all the folks saying you can’t really comment on the actions of the cops because you weren’t there and don’t know the situation they faced and in fact I just watched Gutfeld from last night and Tyrus said as much. But I’m going to anyway because it’s obvious that the cops were more concerned with their lives than the children’s.

I put up last night that they admitted it and that is totally contrary to what they are sworn to do. But what really made me decide to do this is the facts. They claim they couldn’t get in and needed to wait for a key. Wow! But guess what, a woman who the cops handcuffed because she wanted to go in and get her kids out, when they released her she went in and got them out. I guess she had a key. And there was the husband and father at the barbershop who borrowed the barber’s shotgun and went to the school and got his wife and daughter and many students out. I guess the cops were the only ones who couldn’t get into the school. So I’m calling bullshit.

BTW I doubt that there was any lock on a school door that would have survived a single bullet. So the key nonsense is just that


I said I would comment until tomorrow about Uvalde but I couldn’t wait to comment on one thing which seems to be missing from all the rhetoric tonight. Earlier today one police spokesman said that the reason they didn’t go in was because they might get shot! Apparently four or so cops went in and got fired upon and retreated because they thought their safety was more important than that of the kids. They should be fired on the spot. If you’re not going to do your sworn duty, then get the fuck out you spineless wuss!


I was pleasantly surprised that he mostly kept it about the Uvalde tragedy and the second amendment. He only made two very brief references to the last election and stayed on topic. Of course he pointed out the obvious differences between what he had done and what Magoo has destroyed and who could blame him but he never strayed into narcissism just facts. I would say it’s pretty obvious that he will run again in 2024. One thing I was particularly interested in was the deft way he talked about taking back Congress in 2022 and what they would need to do but steered clear of calling out cocaine Mitch or McCarthy. He doesn’t want to rock the boat before the midterms but I guarantee you that if republicans take back the senate Trump will openly campaign against McConnell being majority leader.


This is a rant I have been meaning to write for about a week and then I saw today that VDH beat me to it.

Enjoy, but I think he was too nice and so I will comment. The morons are all box checks for Magoo. Few have any actual competency. Mayor Pete checked the gay box. He was a lousy mayor in South Bend who couldn’t even get potholes fixed so clearly a transportation expert. To fulfill his gay appointment he spent two months breastfeeding while the supply chain imploded. Great job.

Granholm, the Secretary of energy knows absolutely nothing about energy and thinks high gas prices are funny. She’s clueless and in so far over her head it’s like she is on the bottom of the Grand Canyon and her job is giving tours of the rim.

The Interior Secretary, Deb Haaland, is a Native American so interior is the place for her because all the land belongs to her anyway. No expertise in oil and gas. Nuff said!

Alejandro Mayorkas , DHI, is apparently of Jewish ancestors but was born in Cuba. He’s a congenital lying dog faced pony soldier and always looks to me like he got left in the desiccator too long.

Bottom line, this is what you get when you check boxes and not competencies where the only thing that matters is open borders and destruction of fossil fuels.

PS I renewed the site today so you have the misfortune of being exposed to three more years of my bs.