Monthly Archives: March 2022


Apparently there is a legislative move on in Florida to repeal Disney’ special status to self govern within its massive land area in Florida. I think Disney got out over it’s skis and thought they were more important and powerful than they are. They may well rue the day they poked DeSantis. He’s not going to cave and they can’t afford to move.

BTW this means that that vast area is controlled not by an elected government but by five Disney executives and they have their own police and they have their own schools only controlled by the Disney executives. Begs the question of why they are so concerned about Florida’s education laws since they’re not covered by them.


I have heard Trump say many times that he refilled the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and then today on Bolling a congressman say the same thing and then on the five they said it didn’t happen and Schumer proudly blocked it and so I checked it out and while there is a lot of slanted bs about it I found the attached article which should put it to rest. Enjoy.


Yesterday she did another nonsense word salad dealing with Jamaica and I wasn’t going to comment because it’s just what we’ve come to expect. And then today I actually watched her doing it and I noticed that she was glancing down and apparently reading the nonsense. That means one of three things. First her staff is actually writing this gibberish which is unlikely. Or next she can’t read, but that is unlikely since she graduated law school and passed the bar. That leaves the third possibility. She can’t follow a teleprompter or loses her place and repeats stuff. Take your pick.


Two things. First when Trump’s policies drove down the price of oil, he wisely replenished the oil reserves. Now Magoo wants to claim the credit for using Trump’s oil to drive down the price of gas temporarily to try to minimize the damage to the Dems in November.

Second, I heard Magoo talking today and blaming Putin for the increase in gas prices. At one point correctly said that we can’t let gas prices to be controlled because a dictator decided to start a war. And I thought wow he’s right but so stupid he doesn’t even understand that the dictator is him and the war is the one he started on oil!


I can’t believe that no one understood the simple fact that you dance with what brung you. I ranted about it a while ago and no one I have seen ever recognized it. Putin had what he had when he invaded and nothing else. You can’t resupply an armed force with supplies you don’t have. If energy prices go up, that doesn’t instantly create new tanks and planes and rockets. That takes time and that is why Russia is bogged down. Putin incorrectly thought he could overrun Ukraine in a couple of days with his actually old and outdated equipment. Now that he couldn’t do it, he can’t resupply his troops. He was falsely confident and didn’t consider that his plan was flawed. And that may be the reason that he is claiming to back off so he can actually resupply his offensive.


Now most of you will not know what this is The Biden administration is putting together a task force to have the federal government determine the value of property on poor neighborhoods because of racism. Total bullshit. Every thing the federal government touches turns to shit. They do nothing well. They brought us the real estate crash in 2007 and they want us to do it again. They claim that lower prices for real estate In predominantly black areas are because of systemic racism but it’s because Dems controlled cities imploded and so minorities lost home values.

Now these idiots are wanting to have ignorant federal employees be the people they evaluate the value of these properties. They will undoubtedly over evaluate the value of these properties which will naturally lead to another real estate problem. But here’s my take. Bongino said what I just said but he missed reality. If you have a property worth $100,00” and the Biden idiots say it’s worth $159,000 because your black and it’s racist. But what Bongino didn’t recognize was that the increase in price would actually make it less likely that the black community would be able to afford it.


I just talked to one of you who does to make sure my knowledge was correct having been involved in overhauling navy jets and helicopters and I was right. The video of the Chinese airliner going straight into the ground is either a fake or either a plane blowing up or a pilot intentionally crashing his plane. It can’t happen otherwise. Every plane has a glide path if it loses power. Jets are notoriously poor with a glide path of something like one foot forward for every ten feet down do to their weight to wing span ratio. Helicopters can auto gyrate safely to the ground. But no plane goes straight down. Doesn’t happen. And by the laws of physics it can’t happen.


Ok am watching Tucker and he is playing up the fact that we get a lot of our fertilizer from Russia but the one thing he’s ignoring is that we have the resources to produce our own fertilizer. The problem is that the globalization idiots on both sides of the aisle gutted us to the god of globalization. So instead of making sure we were secure, they wanted to see that third world countries paying slave wages held us hostage if anything negative happened. Absolute nonsense.

BTW I have heard it on trivia shows and I looked it up and the first patent issued in this country was for potash a key ingredient in fertilizer. We can do it! Put the globalists in the basement and ignore them.


I keep seeing that famine is going to happen here because Ukraine supplies 40% of the world’s wheat. Now I appreciate that could be a problem for the world but why should it be a problem for us. I looked it up and we export massive amounts of wheat every year and surprisingly we import less wheat than we export. Why do we import any wheat if we’re exporting wheat? So here’s my solution for Magoo and his food shortage problem. Ban export of our wheat! Easy. I don’t care about bailing out other countries who have chosen to to hitch their futures to commodities from other countries, including fossil fuels and food. You made your stupid choices. Live with it and we need to make sure our commodities to go to us first. And We need to start producing everything we need here. We can do it and if we do Russia and China will be crippled!