I might have the term wrong but I am sure many of you have seen articles on the subject because many medical professionals and others have been saying all along that this is the metric that we should be looking at to determine if there is really a pandemic. So what is excess mortality? It is a comparison of how many people died in a given period of time compared to what was expected. As an example, and I’m making these numbers up so hold your fact checks, suppose every year the number of deaths from all causes in North Carolina between December and March averages 30,000 and in 2020 the number was 40,000 and so there were 10,000 excess deaths and so you could argue that Covid was creating a pandemic. On the other hand if there were 30,000 or less deaths, then you can’t claim that Covid is causing a pandemic. People who were going to die did.

Now the reason I bring this up is because I came across an interesting article pointing out reality. Enjoy!
