With kudos to Barry McQuire, we are now at that point.

I know many of you think that we will take back the House and the Senate in 2022 and that will stop the left nonsense. But you need to realize that what happens in the next year and a half will forever alter this country. If the Dems succeed in altering our voting via Sr 1 or force through their massive socialist programs, it will destroy this country forever. The republicans will win both houses in 2022 but they will not have a veto proof majority in both houses. Therefore, Biden or whoever is president will prevent any change to their socialist bs. And you need to remember that no government program giving away benefits has ever been eliminated. Thus, unless we can stop the Dems from their attempt to permanently change our nation, we are doomed to failure!!

1 thought on “EVE OF DESTRUCTION

  1. The first obstacle here is a return to non-corrupt elections. As I am sure you are aware, the Dems are making every effort to obstruct audits, and any revisions to bad election procedures in the states. SR1 is the most glaring example. Gov Wolf just threw out a veto to prevent a cleanup of PA, and the legislature doesn’t have sufficient R votes to override. Georgia was sued by the DOJ on account of their cleanup. Without clean elections, the mid terms won’t help us. Now, if things DO get clean enough to stop the Dems, then at least the current admin can be held at bay. However, if the Dems successfully cheat and sweep the mid terms, I predict that a lot of folks are going to tell them of their displeasure, via notes written on little pieces of lead. I think you can take that straight to the bank.

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