Yesterday I went to the ABC store to purchase some alcohol and the clerks and workers weren’t wearing masks and the signs requiring them were gone. Most patrons including me were maskless which is a far cry from most of the last year. I remember going up to checkout several months ago without a mask and after he rang it up he said oh you’re not wearing a mask and so I can’t sell it. So I pulled one out of my pocket.

Also yesterday I was at my doctor’s office and all the mask signs were gone and I had mine around my chin and nobody said anything. The last time I was there they got hyper because my nose was exposed.

Today I went to Walmart for a prescription without a mask and as opposed to my normal experience for the past year most people weren’t wearing masks. Previously it was usually me and one or two other people.

And then I went to the the grocery store and things were similar to Walmart. I am pretty used to being the only one without a mask or maybe one of two or three and it’s nice to see that people are starting to return to normal.

People there’s hope that things will return to normal. Don’t wear your face diaper if it’s not mandatory!