Monthly Archives: April 2021


One of you have wanted me to address this issue for sometime but I have refused because the issue has been thoroughly discussed in the media and I don’t try to discuss things that I don’t have something to add. It is never my purpose to just report something everyone already knows.

Now the reason for this rant is that many of you may not really know the the left’s real purpose for putting forth legislation to pack the Supreme Court. Listen folks, and this is not something unique to my perspective, it has been mentioned by a few other people. The idiots proposing this nonsense know they don’t have the votes to make it happen. The real purpose is to intimidate Roberts, a complete spineless embarrassment, to duck important cases. Remember Schumer already threatened them on the steps of the court with violence. And the result was that Roberts refused to take up the Texas challenge to the unconstitutional changes to election laws in swing states because he was afraid of riots. Fuck riots and do your job you wuss.

This is ultimately just an attempt by the left to intimidate the court to keep them from accepting and deciding constitutional cases that they should. The best way to counter this bs is to kick Dems out of the majority in both the House and the Senate in 2022.


The subject is once again in the news because the intelligence community has finally admitted it was never true. A few idiots like Schiff are still trying to pretend otherwise but everyone knows they are full of shit. The only reason they have come out now is because Biden has decided to withdraw from Afghanistan and doesn’t want to have to address the issue that would be raised if the original fake news was true.

Okay, the reason for this rant is that I can play like the EIB pretending that Rush was prescient about everything, and tout my own horn. Look back to my rant on July 2nd and see how prescient I was.


Today the US attorneys office in DC decided that the black officer who executed an unarmed white Air Force veteran who was crawling through a window, unarmed and no threat to anyone at that point. Their reason is quoted below.

“The investigation revealed no evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer willfully committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 242. Specifically, the investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defense or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber.”

Please read that again! Under that standard every police shooting abhorred by the left is actually justified. George Floyd and Daunte Wright are clearly legitimate police actions. But of course they’re not because it was a white cop and a black victim. The black cop who intentionally murdered Ashli Babbitt is off scott free. This is justice under Biden and if you don’t think that politics dictated then please stop reading my rants because you are too dumb to understand.


Was watching Hannity and once again Geraldo is full of shit. He kept spouting supposed statistic about blacks being proportionally killed by cops at a greater rate than whites. As I have been telling you for years this is the false use of disparate impact analysis where it doesn’t apply. The question is how many blacks commit crimes versus how many whites commit crimes and how many interactions does this cause with police. Any actual statistics will tell you that blacks proportionally commit more crimes and therefore have proportionally more interactions with police.


Watching judge Jeanine and she started out with Biden’s ridiculous statement that amendments are not absolute. She went through a lot of stuff but she ignored the one amendment that makes clear Biden is full of shit. The 13th amendment prohibits slavery, so please Joe tell me where and when does that amendment apply. What is the exception to that amendment? Throw this shit back in his face with something the left can’t contradict!

BTW Biden said, or I think it was Biden that ghost guns were not covered by the constitution. All right, what are ghost guns. Apparently any gun made or assembled by individuals which don’t have serial numbers. Guess what you idiots, there were no serial numbers on guns at the time of the constitution so all guns were ghost guns. So the bs that the constitution didn’t cover ghost guns is just that. The only guns in the constitution were ‘ghost guns’!


I am watching and Dan Bongino is hosting because I guess Jesse is still home with his new baby. Actually I like Bongino better and I really like Jesse. The thing that came up from his first guest was a discussion of the Georgia election laws. The point that his guest was making was not the voter id requirement but that the law took away the power of local election boards and made them comply with the state legislature law.

Now I was surprised that Bongino didn’t immediately point out that the constitution says the legislature makes the law for elections, not local boards. The next thing that occurred to me is that the reason the former Biden advisor wants local to trump state is because that’s the very reason they ‘won’ the last election. Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and other Dem controlled cities illegally changed election laws and then illegally allowed late, unverified, bogus ballots to be counted and resulted in a Biden ‘victory’. So it’s obvious why a Dem would want Dem controlled cities to make up their own rules contrary to state law so they can win through fraud.


Today Lee Elder was part of the ceremonial tee shots to start the Masters. He didn’t actually hit the shot. He had oxygen tubes up his nose and wasn’t actually able to do it but he was roundly applauded as he deserved. Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player were the other honorary starters and did actually hit a tee shot but make no mistake this was Lee’s day and he earned it.

Lee Elder was the first black to play in the Masters and he earned his way in. There were a couple of black golfers prior to him who should have been invited, most notably Charlie Sifford, but racism kept them out. Elder who was always a gentleman and had to put up with racial bigotry throughout his career, refused to accept a special invitation and insisted that he would only play if he earned his way in, and he did.

Now I have no doubt that the msm and idiots on left will try to claim that this was some bogus attempt by Augusta National to cover for the controversy surrounding the new Georgia voting laws, but unfortunately for them, the Masters announced last November after the last Masters that Mr. Elder would be honored this year. He deserves it and I always enjoyed watching him play.