Ok I don’t think you need me to tell you he was fantastic and looked rested and energized. What I want to comment on is how the RINOs are realizing that they are not the party. Trump is. Cocaine Mitch tried to say that we need to get back to the before Trump Republican Party and he found out that that party is minuscule and so now he will back Trump if he is the nominee in 2024
Nikki Haley trashed Trump after January 6th and found out that any chance she had in 2024 evaporated. So now she is praising his CPAC speech. Sorry you blew it because you totally misread the Republican voters. They are more than 90% Trump and no one cares about your bullshit. Go try to find yourself a real job because you have no future in politics.
Ditto to Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. You RINOs are history. Your dream of returning to the establishment party of graceful losers is over.
I sincerely hope that when we retake the senate in 2022 that McConnell will be replaced by a real conservative.