The question that keeps being put forward is can Rush be replaced. This is actually two different questions. Could anyone have done what Rush did and secondly can anyone replace him now.

The answer to the first is no. Rush was a person who had a vision that no one else did and he used it to basically invent conservative talk radio. All the present conservative talk radio hosts owe their livelihood to Rush. He invented the format they all follow and owe him for their success.

Now with respect to the second question, which some of you will disagree with, there are several people who are better than Rush was over the past few years and Rush should take pride in the fact that he empowered them to do so. Listen we all loose a step or two as we age and in his case when suffering from stage four cancer.

One thing I learned over the past few years doing my blog is that as I read more and more sites each day is that Rush didn’t do investigative reporting, he reported what other people had reported and in many cases what he said was stuff I had seen days before. And in some cases he got it wrong.

I personally preferred his quest hosts over the past couple of years because they frequently brought things I didn’t know. Rush seldom did. He just reported things I already knew.

Again this is not to knock Rush. He inspired his followers and they surpassed him in the end and I’m sure he appreciated it. Every icon knows and hopes that they will inspire someone to surpass them.

Ok so here’s my list of people who are better now than Rush was for the past several years. Mark Levin, Mark Steyn, Ken Matthews, Todd Herman and Chris Plante. They all could take over for Rush and do a better job than he has in the past couple of years. And Rush should be proud that he inspired them.

And one last thing, I appreciate that his widow wants to keep the EIB going because it’s a cash cow but the best of Rush ain’t cutting it. I have had to switch to other inferior channels because they are not covering what’s actually going on.