Monthly Archives: January 2021


I was going to do this later but at least one of you thinks all hope is lost, and so I will do it now. The belief that all is lost is based on the fact that Dems will eliminate the filibuster in the senate. It now takes 60 votes in the senate to overcome a filibuster and the Dems only have 50. Without eliminating it the Dems can’t push through all their radical agenda like statehood for DC and Puerto Rico and packing the Supreme Court.

So the key question becomes, can the Dems keep all 50 members of their caucus on board so Kamala Harris can cast the deciding vote to open the floodgates. I don’t think so and apparently at least one of them agrees. Joe Manchin has said that he will not vote to end the filibuster and I believe him because it would be political suicide for him. West Virginia is a deep red state and he has only been able to keep his seat because he is a reasonable centrist. West Virginia is a big coal mining state and elimination of the filibuster would lead to loss of thousands of jobs in his state via the green new deal.

Now the reason I say that at least one senator on left believes that Manchin is telling the truth is because Bernie Sanders said on one of the late night shows either yesterday or the day before that they would get Biden’s bogus Covid stimulus bill passed using the budget reconciliation process.

Now for those of you who don’t remember, that’s how they got Obamacare passed. When Ted (was there a woman in my car underwater) Kennedy died and Scott Brown got elected destroying the Dems 60 votes in the senate, Harry Reid resorted to the budget reconciliation process which only requires a bare majority. Sanders wouldn’t need to resort to budget reconciliation if he thought the filibuster was eliminated! Yeah people I connect the dots.

One last thing. Remember when Obama got elected he had the House and a filibuster proof 60 senators and he still struggled to get things done including Obamacare. Don’t assume that just because they have the votes that they actually have the votes. There are plenty of senators and representatives who are up for election in two years who remember what happened to their party in 2014!


Today Pelosi said when asked about when she would transmit the article of impeachment to the senate that her impeachment managers were busy preparing the case. The case should have been prepared before a vote was taken in the House. It’s a little late to start preparing the case after the verdict. It was a total sham so she could claim that she impeached Trump twice. If she had waited and gotten the facts I talked about yesterday, she couldn’t have gotten the votes she needed.


I have ranted before that I didn’t understand why the msm was pushing socialism because one of the first things to go is freedom of the press. Well today AOC’s lonely brain cell came out for a government censor to determine what can be published as fact and what must be squashed as fake. Are you ignorant, incompetent idiots happy now?


I assume that you have seen that now that the socialists have impeached Trump, the msm is now reporting that what happened last week was planned for several weeks before and the FBI knew it and sat quietly by and left it happen. This is why Trump should have fired Wray months ago and in fact should never have never have been appointed in the first place. He is the epitome of a swamp rat and withheld information from the public and didn’t stop it from happening. He wanted to ingratiate himself to Biden to keep his job. He’s disgusting!

Now that the evidence shows that Trump had nothing to with the riot, I expect that Pelosi et al will apologize to Trump and reverse the impeachment. NOT!!!

This is why I said that it will be proven in a couple months that Trump won biggly and the left will laugh.


I hear people even on the right saying that Trump conceded the election. As far as I know, he did not and in fact in his speech he expressly said he wasn’t conceding. Apparently the fact that he committed to a peaceful transfer of power is being considered a concession. It is not and he shouldn’t. He won and Biden is illegitimate. However, Trump agreed that he would pass the torch since all his options will not come to fruition until after the inauguration.


I was going to write a different rant on this subject but today’s events made me change the focus. First just so you know, I know that Trump committed no offense much less an impeachable offense and the despicable RINO’s in the House who voted against Trump need to be singled out and primaried and defeated in 2022. Likewise in swing jurisdictions, every dem who voted for this bogus snap impeachment need to be sent packing in 2022 by a new tea party like movement.

Liz Cheney is just another idiot like everyone named McCain. She said Trump should have immediately stopped the violence once it started. There are two problems with this bullshit. First and foremost, it has been definitely shown that the violence started while he was still speaking and it was a 45 minute walk from where he was to the Capitol. Therefore no one who listened to his speech to the end where he supposedly sent them to riot could have been involved. Secondly, how the hell does this idiot think Trump could have stopped the violence immediately. He wasn’t there and had no way to stop it. What did she want him to do, caravan there and throw himself in front of the mob?

This is the problem with all the nonsense on the left and the swamp right. They can say absolute nonsense and they never get questioned about it.

Another problem is that Trump can’t be convicted in the senate after he’s gone. Impeachment is designed to remove someone from office and can’t be used to attack someone no longer in office and the vast majority of the legal scholars agree with me.

Also I am sick and tired of hearing AOC and other idiots say they were in fear for their lives. Total bullshit! I have seen no video of the mostly peaceful protesters attacking anyone other than skirmishes with cops who were attacking them. Notice little video is available anymore except excerpts that can be exploited by the left. BTW AOC has lied frequently and I feel sorry for the single brain cell in her head. It must be very lonely.

The last thing I want to point out is the dangerous precedent the Dems have now set. There was no due process! There was no attempt at fairness. The shortest this has ever happened before was their bogus first impeachment of Trump and that was four and one half months and was extremely fast in terms of the previous two impeachments of a president.

Now they will have to live with the precedent. Just like Harry Reid eliminated the filibuster for executive and judicial appointments and that led to Trump getting three justices appointed to the Supreme Court. If the Republicans retake the House in 2022, their first order of business, after eliminating all of Pelosi’s rules is to impeach Biden if he’s still in office or Harris if she’s there. I guarantee you that either or both of them will have committed real impeachable offenses by then!


Apparently Mitch McConnell has now indicated that he might favor impeachment so that the Rino Republican Party can finally rid itself of Trump. This incompetent asshole is only in office because Trump supported him. He was getting his ass kicked and Trump bailed him out. Unfortunately he will be in office for six more years, but I sincerely hope that Trump campaigns for whoever primaries him then and against Romney and the governor of Georgia. It’s time to make these RINO’s pay the price for lining their pockets at our expense.


I wasn’t going to post this until tomorrow but I decided that it was probably better sooner rather than later.

The conventional position on the right is that Parler was singled out for destruction because the left and tech wanted to silence the voices on the right. That’s certainly true, but I have another theory that I haven’t seen elsewhere, so you once again get the brilliance of my stupidity. So here goes.

It has been reported that when Twitter banned Trump their stock dropped precipitously. Similar things happened to Google and Amazon and Apple. As I have ranted about previously, Trump should leave all these socialist parties platforms and create his own or move to Parler. I postulated that by doing so he would seriously affect their bottom line and apparently I was right. Their attack on Parler was more about money than ideology. If all Trump followers, of which there are almost one hundred million and all the followers of Rush Limbaugh, of which there are 89,000,000 who voluntarily left Twitter in support of Trump, went to Parler not only would their bottom line be affected, so would their illegal monopoly. They could become an afterthought and largely irrelevant. They would become the platform of the socialists talking in their eco chamber having no real affect on the real political narrative.