Apparently Mitch McConnell has now indicated that he might favor impeachment so that the Rino Republican Party can finally rid itself of Trump. This incompetent asshole is only in office because Trump supported him. He was getting his ass kicked and Trump bailed him out. Unfortunately he will be in office for six more years, but I sincerely hope that Trump campaigns for whoever primaries him then and against Romney and the governor of Georgia. It’s time to make these RINO’s pay the price for lining their pockets at our expense.

1 thought on “QUICKIE

  1. I agree – that is, if there will still be any such thing as a free fair election again. I strongly suspect that there will not be. At least not in very many states.

    People need to start pushing their state legislatures to eliminate mail-in voting, and preemptively ban any other form of remote voting, such as internet.

    I am relocating to FL, and I had thought to register as an independent, but they have a closed primary. I may register as a Republican again, just so that I can help primary out any traitors.

    We got a really good look at just how many traitors there are in the so called conservative republican party. What were there, seven Senators who stood up for our President?

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