I was going to write a different rant on this subject but today’s events made me change the focus. First just so you know, I know that Trump committed no offense much less an impeachable offense and the despicable RINO’s in the House who voted against Trump need to be singled out and primaried and defeated in 2022. Likewise in swing jurisdictions, every dem who voted for this bogus snap impeachment need to be sent packing in 2022 by a new tea party like movement.

Liz Cheney is just another idiot like everyone named McCain. She said Trump should have immediately stopped the violence once it started. There are two problems with this bullshit. First and foremost, it has been definitely shown that the violence started while he was still speaking and it was a 45 minute walk from where he was to the Capitol. Therefore no one who listened to his speech to the end where he supposedly sent them to riot could have been involved. Secondly, how the hell does this idiot think Trump could have stopped the violence immediately. He wasn’t there and had no way to stop it. What did she want him to do, caravan there and throw himself in front of the mob?

This is the problem with all the nonsense on the left and the swamp right. They can say absolute nonsense and they never get questioned about it.

Another problem is that Trump can’t be convicted in the senate after he’s gone. Impeachment is designed to remove someone from office and can’t be used to attack someone no longer in office and the vast majority of the legal scholars agree with me.

Also I am sick and tired of hearing AOC and other idiots say they were in fear for their lives. Total bullshit! I have seen no video of the mostly peaceful protesters attacking anyone other than skirmishes with cops who were attacking them. Notice little video is available anymore except excerpts that can be exploited by the left. BTW AOC has lied frequently and I feel sorry for the single brain cell in her head. It must be very lonely.

The last thing I want to point out is the dangerous precedent the Dems have now set. There was no due process! There was no attempt at fairness. The shortest this has ever happened before was their bogus first impeachment of Trump and that was four and one half months and was extremely fast in terms of the previous two impeachments of a president.

Now they will have to live with the precedent. Just like Harry Reid eliminated the filibuster for executive and judicial appointments and that led to Trump getting three justices appointed to the Supreme Court. If the Republicans retake the House in 2022, their first order of business, after eliminating all of Pelosi’s rules is to impeach Biden if he’s still in office or Harris if she’s there. I guarantee you that either or both of them will have committed real impeachable offenses by then!