The reason I don’t watch Fox News anymore before 8pm was illustrated earlier today. This morning Peter Doocey and Brian Kilmeade said that there was no evidence to support that voter fraud took place in the presidential election. Either they are brain dead or their Chinese puppeteers told them that they had to bow down to them. The evidence is overwhelming and to suggest otherwise is stunning.

I won’t go through everything but just let me remind you of the video from the State Farm Center in Atlanta. It has never been been disproven at all. Having Georgia politicians say nothing to see here is not fact checking, it’s ass covering. Remember those suitcases contained 24,000 votes and in at least one case a batch was fed through the machines at least three times. That’s way more than needed to give Biden less than an 12,000 vote lead. The fraud was rampant and anyone who says otherwise is lying!