Monthly Archives: November 2020


I will not watch Fox News anymore. They have sold out as I told you months ago. What I would like to see is for Tucker and Hannity and Ingram and Levin and Jesse and Gutfeld and Pirro and Hilton to leave Fox and go to Newsmax. It would give us a real honest conservative channel and destroy Fox once and for all.


First as I’m sure you know Pfizer announced today that they have a vaccine that is apparently 90% effective. What you may not know is they could have made that announcement three or four weeks ago but didn’t because they are Dems who wanted Biden to win. And amazingly some on the left are saying it’s a Biden vaccine.

I heard today that Biden wants Romney to be his director at HHS. I don’t know if this is true but it makes sense and would actually benefit both sides. Biden can claim he’s reaching across the aisle to put a Republican in his cabinet, although he is really reaching backwards to a RINO. And it would be a good move for Romney. His senate seat will be up in 2024 and there is no way in hell he will be re-elected in Utah and could maybe extend his public life past that if Kamala gets re-elected.

On the other hand, it would give the people of Utah to appoint an actual Republican to the senate and remove a RINO weenie from screwing up the Republican majority.

Now in an I told you so moment, recall my saying that the Dems were blatantly cheating to rub our face in it. Well apparently someone agrees with me. Enjoy.

Lastly remember that I told you that this cheating was planned well in advance having learned from their failure with Hillary. Sydney Powell was on with Maria Bartiromo and laid it out.


Biden has not won the election. News media does not determine elections. It is not over until Trump concedes, which he will never do, or after all the votes and after all the recounts and after all the court cases are over. No matter what the msm and Biden try to tell you it’s far from over. Keep the faith, it ain’t over until the fat lady sings and she’s a long way from singing.


Listen the Dems always cheat in elections. It’s who they are. So what’s different between now and four years ago? Four years ago they thought Hillary had it in the bag and so didn’t prepare the massive fraud that’s going on now. They didn’t think they needed to do anything extraordinary because Hillary couldn’t lose.

This time they knew Trump was going to win and they couldn’t let that happen. That’s why they tried everything they could think up or make up. Russia collusion, Ukraine impeachment, and then using the whu flu to shut down the economy thinking that would certainly put a stake through his heart, but at the end of the day their real polling told them that Trump was still going to win and so they went to plan D. They decided to totally go all in on cheating and prepared to do so. How else can 138,000 bogus votes all for Biden materialize. That doesn’t happen in an hour or two. Those phony ballots had to have been prepared well in advance.

How come every blue state where Trump was ahead stopped counting on election night and then when they restarted large numbers of ballots suddenly materialized and they all were for Biden?

How come in Philadelphia even after a judge ordered that the Trump team be allowed as required by law to watch the vote count the sheriff and the election officials told the judge to go to hell and still refused meaningful oversight?

The really scary thing to me is that they are doing it in such a blatantly obvious way. It’s like they want to rub our noses in it and laugh at our belief that real votes count.

Supposedly Wisconsin had a voter turnout of about 90%. That’s beyond belief. And their is evidence that in all these states dead people voted including one person who was 120 years old. Of course he voted by mail. Many people who left the state but were still on the rolls voted, all for Biden.

The only way Trump can win with all this fraud is to demand a recount in all these cheating states and make sure they are allowed to see the actual ballots and compare them to voter rolls and signatures. Full court press in court and get it ultimately to the Supremes.


I thought when states stopped counting last night when Trump was poised to win that it was fishy. Today there an excellent article in the Federalist laying it out in the open. Enjoy

BTW the stock market rallied today because even if Biden manages to steal the election the republicans held the senate and so the Dems can’t put their leftist nonsense into law.