WTF is “the science“? There is no such thing as “the science “. What the left means by it is that’s their new come to Jesus call. And I believe the analogy is appropriate because like religion it relies on faith and belief in the unproven. They throw the term around because they think most of us are too stupid to know better.
But let me guarantee you that if someone actually had the balls to ask Pelosi or Biden or Harris or Schumer to define the science they would fall flat on their faces. And don’t just ask follow up with questions about the scientific evidence that masks work and can stop the whu flu. Be ready with the evidence and hold their feet to the fire. (BTW here is the link to the definitive study on masks put out by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Ask them when Dr. Birx said there is no data to support our position but we’re going with it because we think it’s right, is that science or SWAG? And astonishingly I am as far as I know the only person who caught that nonsense. If someone else did it would be major news on the right.
Ask them to explain why anyone who dies and tests positive for whu flu or is thought to maybe have it is counted as a whu flu death but the same thing is not done for the normal flu. Explain the science behind that please?
And just briefly because I have ranted previously and extensively on the science behind the global warming scam. Name one PROVEN scientific law or equation on global warming. Not bullshit computer models like the one Neil Ferguson used to predict 2.2 million whu flu deaths in the US which led to the hysterical lockdowns, but actual hard proven scientific facts. Ask and watch them dissemble. Remember when a congressman asked John Kerry how come for most of the time in the past two million years CO2 levels in the earth’s atmosphere have been considerably higher than at present and can’t be blamed on humans. Kerry just totally dissembled and started to chant the last refuge of the left when confronted with FACTS, “ you can’t be serious!”
I believe I have my original rants on global warming from four years ago and I’ll put them up when I get home.