This will be fairly short because I’ve already covered much of it in my rant on Chris Wallace. I think that Trump won handily because Biden didn’t put forth any answers or reasons why you should vote for him other than he’s not Trump. Trump even got him to disavow the green new deal, even though if you go to his website it still says he supports it. And he got him to say he wasn’t for single payer health care.
The only thing I think Trump needs to do better if there is another debate, and I was wrong because I didn’t think the first one would occur and now with Trump testing positive for whu flu I seriously doubt there will be a second, is to let Biden hang himself. One great example was when Trump asked Biden to name a single law enforcement agency that endorsed him. He should have said go ahead I’ll wait. I could give you other examples but you watched it. What Trump has to realize is that Joe can’t keep his shit together if he has to ramble longer than 30 seconds. Just let him hang himself. I know that Wallace would have tried to save him but just give him the chance to ramble incoherently when a talking point won’t cut it.