I am sick and tired of ranting about this, but I don’t understand why Trump doesn’t come out with the actual science on masks and lockdowns. I’ve previously given you the links to the CDC and other studies that prove masks are useless, virtue signaling bullshit. He should have done it today after sleepy Joe and easy Kamala came out for a nationwide mask mandate for three months — basically to provide pain until after the election. Interestingly no one has commented on that obvious political connection.

I am glad that he’s got Dr. Scott Atlas with him now in his briefings instead of Fauci. I believe I have ranted in the past about him. He is a voice for actual science and not SWAG. Fauci is all about SWAG and I heard today that he was and is a big fan of Hillary.

What I want to see is Trump come in and put up the CDC meta-study showing masks are meaningless and put up Fauci’s own study saying chloroquine is effective in destroying SARS viruses and have Atlas there to explain what it all means. Quit being afraid of telling the truth that the left doesn’t want to hear. Force them to explain why the CDC is wrong.

Please take it on head first and put the idiots on the left to rebut real science.