Monthly Archives: July 2020


First I saw a commercial for Burger King last night and was immediately startled. They have a new add which says that they are fighting global warming by having their cows eat lemon grass so they emit less methane and will save the planet. It even showed up in various media outlets today. Let’s stop virtue signaling.

Second, I read an article today by Victor Davis Hanson about the decline of the NFL. The point I want to make about the article is that he said if the NFL wanted to promote diversity as they claim, then they would make the NFL 13% black as they are in the population instead of 80% as they are in the NFL.

Now as all of you who have followed me from the beginning know I have been ranting about the nonsense of using disparate impact incorrectly forever. VDH didn’t use the term but was dealing with the same nonsense. Remember I said that when the O’Biden Bama administration was trying to destroy college athletics, I said okay let’s make sure that college basketball teams reflect the racial composition of their schools.


I hope you watch the five. I had stopped watching the five because I couldn’t take Juan Williams anymore. But now that they are all up in box format and Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld have finally had all they can take and regularly eviscerate Juan and watching his dumb face react is worth the price of admission.


I am sick and tired of Republicans and their supposed supporters, including congressmen and senators, of not calling out the Dems campaign to destroy their racist past by tearing down statues of Democrats. No one has asked Pelosi or Schumer or any of the rest of them why they want to destroy their legacy. Someone please grow a pair and force them to respond on the record in public.


A famous line and it couldn’t be more relevant than now. You know that I have ranted about this several times before. And it couldn’t be more important to remind you of it now.

Yesterday when Trump was asked about blacks still being killed by police he responded that so were whites and in greater numbers. Now the left went immediately ballistic and came up with the nonsense that supposedly blacks are three times more likely to have deadly force interactions than whites if you consider the relative populations of blacks and whites. I will leave you to consider the writings of Mollie Hemingway for how bogus this is.

However, let me remind you of what I have been ranting about for years. There are two types of discrimination — disparate treatment and disparate impact. Disparate treatment means that one group is singled out based on their race, gender or whatever, for discrimination. Disparate impact applies in cases where an apparently neutral requirement has a disparate impact on a race. Obama and Holder pushed the later to claim that everything that didn’t come out equally between blacks and whites based on their percent of the population was by definition discrimination.

Based on what I can recall, and look up Mollie Hemingway for the actual numbers, blacks are 15% plus of the population but commit 40% plus of the crime. Is it any surprise that there would be more interactions between police and blacks than whites proportionally? Look at Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Saint Louis. Are whites committing all these murders? No. So are you surprised that there are more interactions involving blacks with the police than whites proportionally?

Just remember that when the left claims blacks are being singled out, the real question is how many crimes are being committed and by whom. Don’t fall into the disparate impact trap. Committing a crime is not a disparate impact issue, it is a crime regardless of race and there is absolutely no reason to believe that commission of a crime will be evenly distributed among the races.


Alright it’s time to destroy the teachers unions. I know we don’t have them in this state but everywhere else they are destroying our education system for their personal benefit. I saw yesterday that somewhere in California the teachers union don’t want to return to the classrooms until they get a bunch of leftist nonsense, like defund the police, which has absolutely nothing to do with the virus. And in another place they want hazardous duty pay to do their jobs. Bullshit. The people who have stocked the shelves in our grocery stores and worked in Walmart etc and did it gratefully happy to have a job didn’t get hazard duty pay.

The real problem is that the teachers got paid for not teaching. And thus it is no surprise that they want to continue being paid for not doing their job. Now I am sure that a lot of teachers want to be back teaching their socialist agenda but they are being countered by their unions. I am sure that many really believe they are educating our kids, but I know several who are dumb as a stump and have masters in education

Ok, here’s my point. Furlough or fire them all. No money for not doing their jobs and let’s see how long it takes for them to decide they don’t need a union anymore because they want to work and get paid.

Reagan did it to the air traffic controllers union and guess what it worked and I know that at least one of you know that it worked. I personally don’t think that there should be any public sector unions. It’s an incestuous relationship where politicians get big money from government unions and then give the unions more money and benefits.


I am sick and tired of 90% of elected Republicans cowering in fear. Grow a pair and speak out against the mob. If you’re the attorney general or governor of Missouri get off your ass and stop the Soros paid for St. Louis prosecutor from trying to railroad the couple who lawfully defended their home after ‘peaceful’ protestors broke down a gate and threatened to kill them and burn down their incredible home. The same incompetent prosecutor who released all those arrested for looting and burning homes and businesses. She should be impeached or fired.

Unfortunately, elected republicans are largely eunuchs who are more concerned with protecting their positions than protecting the people they are supposed to be protecting. Law abiding citizens will never prevail if those we elected to represent us are only interested in protecting their elitist status.

The left always delivers for those who elected them. It is even so obvious that Pelosi is facing a legitimate challenge from an AOC type opponent in November because she is not radical enough. I hope she loses and even though her loss will still be to a Dem, I sincerely hope the Republicans retake the House I have no doubt Trump will be re-elected. The alternative is unfathomable. The country we know and love will disappear and will be replaced by Cuba or Venezuela. We can’t let that happen. So elected republicans, stop trying to protect your elitist privilege,grow a pair and start doing what you were elected to do!


I saw yesterday that finally businesses are starting to fight back. They should have done it long ago but at least they are starting to do it. Business owners on Fifth Avenue in New York are suing Cuomo and de Blasio for the destruction of their businesses because they allowed the mobs to destroy their stores while telling the police to stand down and let it happen.

I sincerely hope that eventually someone will file a class action claiming that the unconstitutional shutdown was a taking under the Fifth Amendment and demand just compensation. It will bankrupt the already bankrupt blue states and even my purple state and finally end the unconstitutional deprivation of our rights.


Does anyone really believe that dementia laden Robert Mueller actually wrote his article in the Washington post defending his ridiculous indictment and prosecution of Roger Stone for supposedly covering up the now disproven Trump Russia collusion? Someone lucid, probably Weismann, wrote it for him just like they did for the entire Mueller report.

The truly sad part is that Mueller is actually more coherent than Biden at this point but they are both heading into oblivion.


Once again Pelosi proves just how ignorant she is. In response to Trump exercising his constitutional right to commute the sentence of the bogus conviction of Roger Stone, she wants to pass a statute to basically amend the constitution. How can someone so ignorant be speaker of the house? And btw if you don’t know why pelosi’s nonsense is ignorant then you fall into the same category.