Monthly Archives: July 2020


I saw this posting today and it is important for two reasons. First it has links to several studies demonstrating that masks are worthless. Click on the first link that is to a study printed in the Oral Health something or other. It’s the journal of science for the dental health profession.

And then even more importantly read through the string of responses to the posting that I am putting up below because you will find that there is an ongoing effort to remove or delete studies or articles that don’t support the present fake science narrative.

Correction. It’s actually the third link but just look for the one that says Oral Health.


The H1N1 swine flu from 2009 infected 60 million people in this country under the Obama Biden administration. There are 4 million people who have been infected here with the whu flu. I saw an interview earlier this week by a former member of the Obama administration who said the only reason that there wasn’t a catastrophe was because it turned out that the virus was less lethal than expected. He said that that administration did nothing right and totally botched the response.

So ask yourself, do you want a never very bright and now incoherent, dementia addled Biden to protect you from the next viral disease or someone who has marshaled the resources at his disposal and the resources of the private sector to do all possible to protect us from the present threat?

If you choose the incompetent then you get what you deserve!


Alright, I told you a couple weeks ago that the CDC had done a mega study of all previous studies of the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of influenza. It took me awhile to find the actual document but the link is below and you only need to read the abstract.

Now the second thing I have learned recently is the reason masks don’t work and it is real science. You see masks are designed to prevent the spread of bacteria and bacteria are much larger in physical size than viruses. So the pores in masks are much bigger than the flu virus. Not to mention the fact that we are being told that it’s okay to just put a hanky across your face and the pores in that are even more enormous to the point of absurdity. And there are plenty of articles and studies to back this up.

So why are our tyrannical governors ordering us to do something that is completely useless? They are getting off on the power grab and wanting to see how far they can go in taking our rights away in the name of some supposed emergency. Have no doubt if the Dems win the election you will be told that global warming is worse than a pandemic and all our rights must be sacrificed for the greater good. Mask wearing is totally useless virtue signaling.

I would love to see Trump at one of his virus briefing actually put up the abstract and studies showing the physics of the ineffectiveness of masks and bring in real experts to discuss it and then let the media whore Fauci try to explain why the CDC study is wrong and how masks can physically contain viruses. The MSM would implode.


As I have said previously about New York, the way to end this anarchy is for the police in New York, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and the rest of the leftist cities in California and elsewhere is for the police to go on strike and refuse to risk their lives to protect politicians who hate them. Most importantly, when you strike make sure that it includes those protecting the mayors. I bet it would take nanoseconds for the mayors to suddenly change their minuscule minds about the police. Please do it!!

Keep the federal agents to protect federal property and federal laws but let the mayors destroy their cities even farther than they already have over decades, and whatever you do don’t bail them out fiscally.


A few things that finally happened finally recently made me happy.

First, Nicholas Sandman got a settlement from WAPO for its defamation of him when he stood still and said nothing to the Native American who was attacking him. I told you previously that the media would settle because the last thing they want is a case going to the Supreme Court challenging their qualified immunity for slander with this case which is the worst possible for them. CNN previously settled because the media know that they are exposed.

Next, and I hope you saw it, the incompetent idiot known as Don Lemon took the cognitive test Trump took and flunked it live on TV. I could have told you that and have previously — he’s not bright — but he was dumb enough to confirm it.

Finally, and I mean finally, the Republicans are finally going on the offensive against the racist history of the Democratic Party. Louie Gohmert introduced a resolution to remove any party that supported slavery from being able to exist or they have to change their name because their party is the party of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and the KKK. I love it. The cancel culture is going to eat itself!

PS. There are six more entities still being sued by Sandman and they include Twitter! Go Nick!!


This idiot said on Friday that New York was the state that did the best job for the whu flu. The best analogy that I have seen, and I don’t recall where I saw it, is like a general in WWI who lost his army in the first wave attack claiming how great he did in the next month because there were no more casualties because there were no more soldiers.


Two points that you should take away from his “interview” of the president. First understand that I’m not sure but think it was Paul Krugman who only wants Biden to debate Trump if there are real time fact checkers and it’s obviously because the fact checkers could falsely report facts as false. Wallace falsely did two fact checks that were later proven to be wrong in the middle of the interview because it was recorded earlier and thus allowed him to insert his nonsense before it aired.

This leads to my second point. Trump should only do live on air interviews. He can’t tape something with a leftist supposed journalist and then give them the opportunity to falsely fact check it before it’s aired. Mr. President please only do on air live interviews.


As I have said forever, Fauci is a media whore and he has proven it by his cover photo for the digital cover of In Style. He’s a totally incompetent fraud, and no further proof could be shown than his interview with Zuckerberg from Facebook. He said that he said don’t wear masks early on because we had to make sure that medical personnel had masks. Alright let’s dissect this bullshit. At the beginning of the supposed pandemic he said everyone should be exposed to the virus except medical personnel. Please tell me how he can sleep at night knowing, at least by his calculations, that thousands should be infected so that he and his colleagues would be safe. I know that Trump can’t fire his incompetent ass because the left has granted him totally undeserved sainthood, but as soon as he is re-elected he should can this asshole. He hasn’t been right about anything!


Now you know I don’t normally engage in conspiracy theories, but I have to say that the recent reporting on the alleged spiking of Wuhan flu cases is bogus.

We have learned that 300 testing sites in Florida reported that they tested 100% positive tests. Now when they were questioned about it, it turned out that the actual rate was somewhere between 6 and 9 percent. Also we learned that a guy who died in a motorcycle accident was listed as a whu flu death because his corpse tested positive. I have already told you about people who died from gunshot wounds were counted as whu flu deaths because their corpses tested positive. And as I have previously reported, hospitals are paid more if they code a death as whu flu than the real cause of death.

Now let’s consider what’s really going on. The country started reopening and jobs and the economy went way up and the left couldn’t stand it. The Dems and the media started freaking out and all of the sudden whu flu cases spiked in Red states. They claimed it was because of reopening and ignored the effect of hundreds of thousands of BLM and antifa protests. And lest you forget I think it was the CDC but look it up, the supposed spike occurred when a bunch of Yankees came south for vacation.

Now as I have said many times, keep your infected asses home along with all your leftist nonsense.

My point is that it seems clear that the deep state health care apparatus is in cohoots with the Dems trying to destroy our economy and prop up incoherent Biden.

Look at all the bullshit with skepticism!