Monthly Archives: June 2020


My programming has been interrupted a few times today for an Amber Alert about the abduction of a 15 year old girl named Dynaja. The thing I find amazing is that in the description they don’t mention her race. They identify the abductors were a black male and a white male but couldn’t tell us what her race is. Really, I can make a guess based on her name but it would just be a guess. This is abject stupidity.

It reminds of a bit comedian Jim Norton did about a rape case where because of political correctness the description of the suspect included the color of the suspect’s sweatshirt but not his race. People let’s get over political correctness and provide all the information available in trying to stop a crime. I was particularly amazed because I know I have seen North Carolina amber alerts that referred to Hispanic abductees.


Ok today or yesterday Dr. Fauci said that we may not get herd immunity if everyone doesn’t take whatever vaccine is developed. That struck me as odd because I thought herd immunity resulted from a significant portion of the population becoming infected and surviving thereby making them incapable of passing on the virus. However I looked it up and it can also result from people becoming immune from a vaccine.

Now here’s the reason for this rant, and it’s once again a FOLLOW THE MONEY issue. Any new vaccine will likely cost a lot of money. For an example, redemsivir which was approved today for the treatment of whu flu costs $2340 for an individual treatment. Hydroxychloroquine costs less than $20 for an individual treatment. Imagine what the cost will be for a new partially effective at best vaccine. Remember flu vaccines are about 60 to 70 percent effective. So my question is how and how much does Fauci stand to make from requiring everyone to get a partially effective vaccine?


First, I don’t believe that the present polls are relevant or accurate. I think that they are false because they don’t take into account how weak Biden is.

Now the point of this rant is that I don’t think there will be any presidential debates this fall. I believe that, although the Biden camp has agreed to three debates , they will never actually debate Trump. They will claim some nonsense about the Kung Flu makes it impossible to actually have the debates.

Let’s get real. Biden is a candidate suffering from early on set dementia or Alzheimers. He would be destroyed by Trump in any face to face debate. They will never let him debate Trump because it would instantly end any chance for a Biden presidency. So be prepared for the the effort to keep Biden hidden. He can’t put together two sentences and certainly can’t respond to questions on the fly.

The Dems are counting on stealing the election by bogus mail in voting. I would like us to return to the system that was in place when I first started voting. You had to show your voter registration card and vote on Election Day.


Wr are seeing more and more states and school districts announcing that schools will not be opening in the fall due to bogus concerns about the kung flu. This in spite of the fact that actual data shows that these kids are virtually unaffected by the flu. Now the right is complaining about this and I understand why.

However, while I understand why parents want the schools to reopen so they can go back to work, and I want them to go back to work, I am actually glad that our kids won’t go back to socialist indoctrination camps. We need real education and not socialist training camps.


Let’s take a look back a few months at studies done in California which I covered on this blog. Remember when Stanford conducted a study in Santa Clara country and determined that the actual number of people infected could be 80 times higher than the number of confirmed cases at that point. Similarly, USC determined that there could be up to 55 times more people infected in LA than confirmed.

Now is anyone surprised that with a massive increase in testing that there would be a significant increase in the number of confirmed cases? And what significance does that have? The real question is how many people have died? From everything I have seen, the mortality rate is decreasing as the denominator increases. This is what should be focused on but the left wants to highlight and hype the meaningless raw number of infections even though the cases are meaningless when the overwhelming percent of those are people with little or no symptoms.

Now why are they doing this? Because after the economy started opening up, 2.5 million jobs were added last month, the most ever in history, and that looks good for the economy and Trump. Can’t have that! So we have to try to create panic and an excuse to shut down the economy. This has absolutely nothing to do with the virus and everything to do with politics and the election. It is disappointing that some Republican governors are falling for the scam.

And before I get to our spineless , political hack of a governor, let me remind you that the number of deaths attributed to the Kung Flu is way overstated. People who died from gunshots have been attributed to the flu. Anything that could be remotely attributed to the flu is even though everyone knows that wasn’t the cause of death. Hospitals have an incentive to falsely report deaths as caused by the whu flu because Medicare pays $2000 more than for other deaths. I wouldn’t be surprised if George Floyd’s death was counted as a flu death since he tested positive even though we watched otherwise.

Now let’s get to cuckoo Cooper. Today to continue in his politically driven attempt to destroy our state economy to try to turn the state for Biden, he refused to continue opening up the state and imposed a mask wearing requirement. He has previously refused to allow the RNC to actually hold their national convention in Charlotte with fake virus concerns. He will do anything to use his office to defeat Trump even if it means destroying the economy of the state he’s supposed to lead

Now I was concerned about his bullshit because as I have previously documented, there is absolutely no proof that masks do anything and there is evidence that they are potentially more harmful than no masks. However, I was relieved when I saw what it really was. You have to wear a mask if you are going to be in a place where you can’t socially distance — another unproven concept. Now I don’t know about you, but I go out everyday without a mask and don’t know of any place that I go that doesn’t have their space marked off in six foot intervals. So this is just political posturing by the cuckoo.

I sincerely wish some business owners in Charlotte who live in SC would file a class action in federal court and crush this petty tyrant!

PS. Will Cuckoo Cooper enforce the mask fiat against the mob? You know that wuss won’t do a damn thing!

PPS. Just saw that our Lieutenant Governor is suing the Cuckoo because Cooper doesn’t have the authority to do anything that he’s done. Apparently, under our state constitution and the Emergency Powers act, we do not have a unitary executive but in fact most executive decisions have to be approved by the Council of State which consists of a bunch of the cabinet members including the lieutenant governor and Roy Boy has ignored the law consistently. What a surprise! Hopefully this communist dictator will be taken down!


The Dems are opposing the Republicans on police reform and the main sticking point is that the Dems want to gut qualified immunity.

What is that? It’s a principal that says cops can’t be sued in a civil case for actions they took on the job unless it can be proven that they knew the actions at issue were clearly contrary to established statutory or constitutional rights. It effectively immunizes cops from civil liability in all but the most egregious cases — and in my opinion the George Floyd case may be such a case.

Now why are the Dems so hot on the issue? As is always the case, FOLLOW THE MONEY! No matter what talking points they put out, the reality is they know that it would handcuff cops who would be reluctant to do their jobs and effectively defund them. But here’s the real point, which I haven’t seen anywhere else so you get to be the privileged few. Remember what I told you a couple weeks ago. The trial lawyers association is a huge contributor to the Dems. Reducing or eliminating qualified immunity would be worth billions to trial lawyers. It’s all about the Benjamins!


I will keep this short. First I understand why Trump was pissed at his team because they should have been more active in making sure the crowd showed up. And the fake news and leftist politicians should quit pretending that something that didn’t happen happened. Namely that the relatively small crowd for a Trump rally, which would easily eclipse any rally that Biden could ever get, means that Trump’s base is leaving him.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. After the Dems and their cronies in the media spent weeks telling people that they would die if they attended the rally and that they faced certain violence at the hands of the thugs who have been looting and killing, it is not remarkable that some chose the safe option of watching on tv.

And watch they did. The rally on Fox News had over 7 million viewers including yours truly, more than ever in the history of Fox News, and more than 4 million streamed it from YouTube and other platforms. Close to 11.5 viewers is hardly an indication that his base is deserting him!


Ok so I learned how Berman got to be the US Attorney for the southern district of New York. Sessions originally appointed him to a 120 day temporary appointment to serve until Trump could appoint a permanent replacement. I haven’t seen but suspect that Schumer et al didn’t give their blessing — surprise —and so under a statute the judges in the district appointed him to the position. I’m pretty sure they were a bunch of leftist judges given that they were approved for New York. The important thing to understand is that he was never nominated by Trump and approved by the senate.


Once again Lindsey has proven that he is totally part of the swamp and not the least bit interested in draining the swamp. AG Barr announced yesterday that the US Attorney for Manhattan was being replaced and that person refused to resign so today at Barr’s request, Trump fired him. It’s fairly obvious that the individual involved had an anti Trump agenda. Like all other presidential appointees, he serves at the pleasure of the president. In a rare occurrence he wasn’t appointed by Trump or Obama but by the federal district court judges in that district. I don’t know how that happened and have not researched how it’s even possible but it happened.

Now the reason for the rant. Graham said today that as chairman of the senate judiciary committee, he would not consider Trump’s nominee for the position absent what’s called a blue slip approval from the two senators from New York. That means that any Trump nomination would have to be approved by Schumer and Gillibrand. There is no chance in hell that they would ever approve anyone Trump nominated. Trump is entitled to people on his staff that don’t work to undermine him. And Graham needs to resign.