Monthly Archives: May 2020


I hate to admit it but finally Judge Napolitano said something I agree with on Tucker. He agrees that all the governors are acting without authority and their executive orders are unconstitutional.

I applaud Tucker for putting this forward but in his first segment he still failed to point out that not only did China unconscionably lockdown the people in Wuhan, they allowed people from Wuhan to travel the world to spread the virus while preventing them from traveling inside China.

BTW when Tucker had the segment where I think it was in Wisconsin or maybe Maine where the cops were harassing some women because her daughter might have a play date, the cops wanted her middle initial and last name. I know she didn’t know but she should have said give me your names and badge numbers so I can get them right in my lawsuit against you and the governor. I guarantee that their smugness would have evaporated.

Listen, I have dealt with this kind of nonsense many times with hearing officers and administrative law judges and when you put their nonsense on the record, it is amazing how often they suddenly change their minds knowing that they will be exposed as idiots.


I have been telling you for weeks that the government has been inflating the number of deaths from Wuhan flu to cover for their gross overreaction based on incredibly bogus models. Once they used the bogus models to shut down the most successful economy ever, they have to keep up the charade.

Remember that as I pointed out, Dr. Birx admitted that that was in fact what’s going on. They are trying to pretend they were right. So they want to count any deaths that they can, whether true or not, as Wuhan flu deaths.

So why this rant? Today PJ Media ran an article exposing the fraud going on in NY to try to get the federal government, and that means you and me the taxpayers, to give them more money to bail them out from the fiscal disaster that their socialist policies put them in and instead blame it on the virus. Bullshit!!

The link is below.


Ok once again I’m not current on the subject but I once was. When I was on a law school faculty, the federal government owned up to the mean high waterline (which you can look up but don’t need to know. Basically it’s all ocean beaches.) on all beaches in trust for all of us citizens. That’s right the ocean beaches were held in trust for all of us citizens. And I published on the subject.

So here’s my question . How can Gavin Newsom close beaches which are the property of the federal government? I don’t know how that can happen. I don’t believe he has the authority. Maybe there is some agreement that allows it since the time I was an expert on the subject and if there is it is a gross mistake. The federal government holds these beaches in trust for all of us and people should tell Newsom to go pound sand and sue his dumb, fascist ass if he tries to enforce it.