I intended to rant about this earlier today when it was first reported that the GAO said Trump violated the law when he delayed aid to Ukraine. Some of what I’m about to say was said a little while ago by a caller on the Howie Carr show, and I considered not ranting because it was pretty much out there. However, most of you probably didn’t hear it so I will lay it out.

First, the GAO Is a congressional entity. It’s supposed to be nonpartisan, but so is the FBI, CIA and IRS. It is a partisan part of the swamp. The Comptroller General, the head of that agency was appointed by Obama for a 15 year term.

Second, GAO opinions are non binding. OMB has said they strongly disagree and GAO has had to reverse their positions on many cases in the past.

Third, and maybe most importantly, they don’t just run around issuing opinions on whatever they want. A member of Congress asks them to look into an issue. Want to bet on which of the House managers requested that opinion?

Lastly, if you believe the timing of this opinion was purely coincidental, then I have some swamp land I would love to sell you.